Third Party Copy Protocol

TPC Version 2.0

















Andrew Hanushevsky
























©2003-2020 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University

All Rights Reserved

Produced under contract DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy

This code is available under an LGPL license.


1       Introduction.. 5

2       Client Performing a TPC Transfer. 6

2.1        Determine if TPC is Supported. 7

2.2        Client Preparatory Source Open. 7

2.3        Client Destination Open. 9

2.4        Client TPC Initiation. 11

2.5        Client Source Open. 13

2.6        Client Wait for Completion. 14

2.7        Client Closes Files. 14

3       Destination Server Copying Source File. 15

3.1        Rendezvous Completion. 16

3.2        Rendezvous Cancellation. 16

3.3        Third Party Copy Cancellation. 17

4       Delegated TPC Copies (a.k.a TPCLite) 19

4.1        Determine if delegated TPC is Supported. 20

4.2        Delegated Destination Server Copying Source File. 20

5       Document Change History. 21


1         Introduction


This document describes XRootD’s Third Party Copy (TPC) protocol. This application layer protocol allows a third party client to initiate a copy of a file from one data server to another. The data does not flow through the client allowing for superior performance. This protocol is natively supported by the XRootD xrdcp data transfer utility. However, since it is implemented at the application layer it can be used by other protocols as well (e.g. HTTP). In discussing the protocol the following terminology is used:


       Destination: the node that receives the file.

       LFN: the logical file name at either the source or destination.

       PFN: the physical file name at the destination.

       Source: the node that provides the file.


The TPC protocol is based on a rendezvous copy paradigm revolving around a client-supplied rendezvous key. In essence the client must be able to read the source file and create the destination file. If both are true then a rendezvous point is established at the source. This allows the destination to rendezvous with the source using the rendezvous key to transfer the file from the source to the destination. The transfer is a pull request that allows the destination to make sure sufficient resource exist to create the file. At the end of the transfer the client may also request that checksum verification occur to make sure the source and destination files are identical.


While the CGI information is normally not encrypted unless the underlying protocol encrypts such information; the protocol is able to detect whether the CGI information was possibly stolen from the wire and is being inappropriately used. This requires that any servers participating in a TPC transfer be registered in DNS and use the same client authentication protocol, if any.


The TPC protocol also supports delegation. In this case, the client delegates its credentials to the destination server which uses those credentials to fetch the file on behalf of the user. This is known as TPCLite. Delegation is currently supported only for the GSI authentication protocol.


2         Client Performing a TPC Transfer

The following steps should be performed to successfully execute a third party copy. Some steps are optional but when executed they assist in diagnostics and predictability.


1.      The client may determine whether or not TPC is supported by the source and destination servers. This provides early detection of whether a TPC transfer is even possible. This step is optional as non-support can be detected later in the protocol steps. See the section on how to determine if TPC is supported in XRootD protocol.

2.      The client should open the file at the source and obtain the file size and indicate that the source will be subject to TPC transfer. This step is optional but it may be used by the source in determining whether or not it supports TPC and, if so, prepare the file for transfer as needed. The file should be closed after this step completes.

3.      The client should open the file at the destination in the write-create mode and supply CGI elements to allow the destination to rendezvous with the source. The file should remain open until the transfer completes.

4.      The client should issue a sync() request against the open destination file. The sync() request should not return until the third party copy is initiated or fails to initiate.

5.      The client should open the source file in read-only mode and supply specific CGI elements to establish a rendezvous point in the source server. The file should remain open until the transfer completes.

6.      The client should issue another sync() request against the open destination file. The sync() request should not return until the third party copy completes or fails.

7.      The client should close the source and destination files.


The above steps are detailed in the same sequence in the following sections.


2.1       Determine if TPC is Supported

Various implementations may use different schemes to indicate whether or not TPC is supported. In XRootD this is done using the “query config tpc” request (i.e. kXR_query request code with the kXR_Qconfig flag set and an argument of “tpc”). If the response is a signed integer value it indicates that TPC is supported and the value is the protocol version number. If it is not supported, “tpc” is returned.


This step is optional but allows you to determine whether the source and destination support TPC and avoid initiating a copy that is destined to fail.


2.2       Client Preparatory Source Open

The client may open the source file in read-only mode whose logical file name (i.e. lfn) is suffixed with a TPC CGI element shown below.






The client may determine the file size at this point, though this can occur in the subsequent step. Certain servers may require advance notification that a TPC action will be performed on a file and this step allows for that. The file should be closed before initiating any subsequent steps.



2.3       Client Destination Open

The client should open the destination file in write-create mode whose logical file name (i.e. tlfn) is suffixed with TPC CGI elements shown below. Highlighted CGI elements are only relevant when delegation is being used.



  tlfn? tpc.src=hostname&tpc.key=token&tpc.stage=copy[opts]


  opts: [&tpc.cks={adler32 | crc32 | md5}]


        [&tpc.dlg=head] [&tpc.dlgon=dval] [&tpc.scgi=scgi]


        [&tpc.lfn=slfn] [&tpc.spr=sprot] [&tpc.str=snum]


        [&tpc.tpr=tprot] [&oss.asize=size]



Required Parameters

tlfn       Is the logical file name at the destination server that the copied file is to have.



            Is the fully qualified DNS name of the source server. This is the server that provides the file.


token    Is a client generated hexadecimal ASCII string that is to be used as the rendezvous point by the destination server.  The strings should be as unique as possible and may include information unique to the client. The string should be only as long as necessary to achieve relative uniqueness to the client, but no longer than 256 characters.


Optional Parameters

opts      Are optional CGI elements that must be used in certain circumstances, as described below.


adler32 | crc32 | md5       

            If specified, the destination server is to verify that the copied file has the same checksum as the source file using the specified checksum type. Otherwise, it is the client’s responsibility to perform this check if so desired.

dval     Should be ‘1’ if the intention is to use delegated TPC. Otherwise it need not be specified but, if specified, it should be ‘0’.


head     Is the host name that should be contacted as the source when delegation is being used. Typically, this should be source cluster’s head node (i.e. the source host specified on the command line) rather than the final source location. This is only meaningful when delegation is used and the source is a clustered server. The element need not be specified if tpc.src already identifies the proper head node.


scgi      Is the CGI information from the source URL. This element needs to be specified only if a) delegation is being used and b) meaningful CGI is present on the source URL (see the notes on the definition of meaningful). Since a CGI string may not be the value of a CGI element, all ampersands in scgi should be converted to tab characters. The destination server is responsible for converting the tabs to ampersands before initiating the copy.


size      If specified, the destination server should use this to determine if sufficient space is available and reserve the appropriate space.


slfn      Is the logical file name at the source server of the copied file to be copied. This element must be specified if the tlfn is not the same as the slfn. If not specified, the slfn is assumed to be the tlfn. It is always safe to specify this element.


snum   If specified, the destination server should use the specified number of TCP streams to effect the copy. The actual number of streams may differ from the number specified due to destination server constraints.


sprot    Is the source protocol to use. This is an optional token meant to be used for cross-protocol copies.


tprot    Is the target protocol to use. This is an optional token meant to be used for cross-protocol copies.




1)      The tpc.dlgon=1 token is provided to allow constricting a destination copy URL that works as with delegated and non-deleted TPC, allowing the server to use delegation when so configured. See the section on determining if delegation is supported.

2)      Meaningful CGI in the tpc.scgi element is the presence of any CGI elements excluding variables that start with “tpc.”, “xrd.” and “xrdcl.”. While the client may remove these elements to see if any meaningful elements remain; it is not required to do so. The server should always remove these elements from the sgci value before forwarding the CGI to the source server.

3)      Generally, encoding the full time-of-day value with the process ID and parent ID as a hexadecimal string will achieve relative uniqueness for the TPC rendezvous key, as shown in the code snippet below.

char TPCKey[25];

struct timeval  currentTime;

struct timezone tz;

gettimeofday( &currentTime, &tz );

int k1 = currentTime.tv_usec;

int k2 = getpid() | (getppid() << 16);

int k3 = currentTime.tv_sec;

snprintf( TPCKey, 25, "%08x%08x%08x", k1, k2, k3 );


2.4       Client TPC Initiation

The is initiated by issuing a sync() operation against the destination file. The sync() should not return until the copy operation has been initiated at the destination. Because a copy may require scheduling due to limited resources there may be a substantial delay before the copy actually starts. Note that at this point a rendezvous point has not been established at the source. However, any implementation should queue the destination open request for a reasonable amount of time to allow the client to establish a rendezvous point by opening the source file after the copy has been initiated. Initiating a copy request does not necessarily mean the destination has yet opened the file. It only means that the destination copy task has started or is about to start running. It is unpredictable at this point whether the client’s source open will arrive before or after the destination’s open for the same file.

2.5       Client Source Open

After the previous sync() completes, the client should open the source file in read-only mode whose logical file name (i.e. slfn) is suffixed with TPC CGI elements shown below. This step is unnecessary when delegation is being used.



  slfn? tpc.dst=hostname&tpc.key=token&tpc.stage=copy[opts]


  opts: &tpc.ttl=sec




slfn      Is the logical file name at the source server to be copied.



            Is the fully qualified DNS name of the destination server. This is the server that copies the file.


token    Is a client generated hexadecimal ASCII string that was used during the required destination open in the previous step.


opts      Are optional CGI elements that must be used in certain circumstances, as described below.


sec       If specified, is the maximum amount of time the rendezvous point may remain valid. The destination server must rendezvous with the specified key within this time interval. If not specified, system defaults apply. A server may impose a limit for the maximum value and if exceeded use the imposed maximum.



1) Reasonable short ttl values should be used as it is likely that the destination server has already attempted or is about to attempt a source file open.

2.6       Client Wait for Completion

The client should wait for completion by issuing a sync() request against the open destination file. The sync() should not return until after the copy completes or fails. The sync() should also delay its return until the checksum has been validated if the client requested checksum validation.

2.7       Client Closes Files

The copy at this point is finished and the client should close the source and destination files.

3         Destination Server Copying Source File

Once the copy has been initiated by the client at the destination server, the destination server should read-only open the source file (i.e. slfn) suffixed with TPC CGI elements shown below.



  slfn? tpc.key=token&




slfn      Is the logical file name at the source server that will be copied file.


token    Is a client generated rendezvous token supplied to the destination server.



            Is the client’s identification:

            user           is the client’s login identifier, followed by a dot, followed by the

                              client’s process ID at hostname (e.g.

            hostname   is the fully qualified DNS name of the client’s host.



1) If the destination server attempts a TPC open and there is no rendezvous point the open should be delayed for a short amount of time to allow the client to establish the rendezvous point via a source open. If the client does not do so with this time window, the open should fail.

2) A third party copy should not be initiated until after the client issues the first sync() request against the open destination file. If the copy cannot be started, the sync() should be delayed until the copy operation is launched.


3.1       Rendezvous Completion

A source server should only complete a rendezvous requested by a destination server upon source file open when all of the following are true:

·         A rendezvous point has been established by the client. This may occur before or after the destination server opens the source file.

·         The destination’s hostname matches the TPC.dst value provided by the client.

·         The destination-provided TPC.key value matches TPC.key value provided by the client.

·         The destination-provided value matches identification of the client that established the rendezvous point.

·         The slfn in the rendezvous point matches the slfn being opened by the destination server.

·         The client established rendezvous point has not exceeded it time to live value (ttl).

If all of the above are true, the destination server may open the source file. Otherwise, the open should fail.


3.2       Rendezvous Cancellation

A rendezvous requested by a destination but not yet established by a client or one established by a client but not yet requested by a destination is considered pending. A pending rendezvous should be cancelled if any of the following events occur:

·         The time to live value (ttl) is exceeded. While client may request a specific ttl this value should be able to be constrained by the source server. Destination servers should not be allowed override a source server’s imposed ttl.

·         A client attempts to establish a new rendezvous point when matching one is already pending. The new rendezvous request should not be honored.

·         A destination server attempts to establish a new rendezvous point when a matching rendezvous point is already pending for the destination. The new rendezvous request should not be honored.


3.3       Third Party Copy Cancellation

A destination server may queue a client TPC request for any reason but typically so as not to exceed its resource limits. When a copy is pending it is considered cancellable under the same conditions as an in-progress copy described below.


Once a destination server successfully rendezvous with a rendezvous point the source file is considered open and the copy is considered in-progress. An in-progress copy cannot be cancelled by the source server except for server failure. The destination server should cancel an in-progress copy if any of the following events occur:

·         The client closes the destination file either via close() or a disconnect.

·         The client requests that the in-progress copy terminate. The mechanism used may vary by implementation. In XRootD in-progress termination is requested by an SFS_FCTL_SPEC1 fctl() operation against the open destination file with the argument of "ofs.tpc cancel".


4         Delegated TPC Copies (a.k.a TPCLite)


The TPC protocol also supports delegated copies. The protocol is a subset of the standard TPC protocol which is why it is known as TPCLite. When a server supports delegated third party copies, the following should occur:


1.      The client should determine whether or not delegated TPC is supported by the destination server. This provides early detection of whether a delegated TPC transfer is even possible. This step is optional as non-support can be detected later in the protocol steps. See the section on how to determine if delegated TPC is supported in the XRootD protocol.

2.      The client may optionally open the file at the source and obtain the file size and indicate that the source will be subject to TPC transfer. This step is optional but it may be used to prepare the file for transfer, as needed. The file should be closed after this step completes. This step is detailed under standard TPC.

3.      The client should open the file at the destination in the write-create mode and supply CGI elements to allow the destination to copy the source file. The CGI elements are the same as for standard TPC. Pay special attention to the optional tpc.dlg and tpc.scgi CGI tokens. The client should issue a sync() request against the open destination file. The sync() request should not return until the third party copy is initiated or fails to initiate.

4.      The client should issue another sync() request against the open destination file. The sync() request should not return until the third party copy completes or fails.


Notice that under delegated TPC the client need not keep the source file open. In fact, there is no requirement that the client ever contact the source server. This significantly reduces TPC overhead which is why it is called TPCLite.


TPC cancellation follows the same steps as in standard TPC.


4.1       Determine if delegated TPC is Supported

Various implementations may use different schemes to indicate whether or not delegated TPC is supported. In XRootD this is done using the “query config tpcdlg” request (i.e. kXR_query request code with the kXR_Qconfig flag set and an argument of “tpcdlg”). If supported, the response is a list of authentication protocols that may be used (e.g. gsi). If it is not supported, “tpcdlg” is returned.


In order to provide full compatibility between delegated and non-delegated TPC, construct the destination URL in such a way that the copy would work as long as any kind of TPC is supported. This means supplying a proper rendezvous key and specifying “tpc.dlgon=1CGI token. After successfully opening the file at the destination, query whether delegated TPC is supported at the destination server. If it is, copy with delegation will be used. If not, but TPC is supported then perform the subsequent steps to complete non-delegated TPC.


4.2       Delegated Destination Server Copying Source File

When delegation is in effect, no TPC CGI tokens should be present in the source URL Delegation simply means that the destination server may copy the file as if the client was actually copying the file.

5         Document Change History


29 Mar 2014

·         New Document.


21 Oct 2016

·         Correct case used in CGI elements.


24 Aug 2018

·         Document TPCLite protocol.

·         Document the tpc.str CGI token to control number of TCP streams.


24 Oct 2018

·         Document the tpc.dlg, tpc.spr, and tpc.tpr  CGI tokens.


13 Nov 2019

·         Document the tpc.scgi CGI token.


17 Jan 2020

·         Document the tpc.dlgon CGI token.


13 Apr 2020

·         Minor editorial changes.