File Residency Manager Reference
















Andrew Hanushevsky

























 © 2009-2020 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University; all rights reserved.

Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract

DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy.



1        Introduction. 5

1.1         FRM Components 5

1.1.1     File Administration Using frm_admin. 5

1.1.2     File Purging Using frm_purged. 6

1.1.3     Transfering Files Using frm_xfrd. 9       Migrating Files. 9       Staging Files. 10       Staging Files Across A Firewall 12     SSH Tunneling. 13     Reconnection. 14       Staging via a Global Redirector. 15     Using The oss.remoteroot Directive. 16

2        frm_admin Command. 17

2.1         audit 19

2.2         chksum. 22

2.3         find. 25

2.4         mark. 27

2.5         mmap. 29

2.6         mv. 31

2.7         pin. 32

2.8         query. 35

2.9         reloc 38

2.10       rm. 39

3        The frm_purged Command for Purging. 41

3.1         Exported Environment Variables 44

3.2         The frm_purged Configuration directives 45

3.2.1     Directives used but documented in the “ofs/oss Reference”. 48

3.2.2     Directives used but documented in the “xrd/xrootd Reference”. 48

3.3         Created Files 49

3.4         Temporarily Stopping frm_purged. 50

4        frm_xfrd Command for the Transfer Daemon. 51

4.1         Exported Environment Variables 53

4.2         The frm_xfrd Configuration directives 54

4.2.1     Directives used but documented in the “ofs/oss Reference”. 61

4.2.2     Directives used but documented in the “xrd/xrootd Reference”. 62

4.3         Created Files 63

4.4         Logged Transfer Statistics 65

4.5         Temporarily Stopping frm_xfrd. 66

4.6         The frm_xfrd Notification Messages 67

5        The frm_xfragent Command Interface To frm_xfrd. 69

5.1         The frm_xfragent Requests 73

5.1.1     Add to queue. 73

5.1.2     Remove from queue. 75

5.1.3     List the queue. 75

6        The hpsscp Transfer Command. 77

6.1         The hpsscp pftp Command Streams 80

7        Document Change History. 85


1         Introduction


This document describes File Residency Manager (FRM) commands and configuration directives. FRM was designed to enhance the Open Storage System (oss) scalable file system, an XRootD feature. FRM can be used to administer the local file system (i.e., placing files and maintaining symbolic links to these files), and for copying files to and from other servers, including a Mass Storage System. In effect, FRM provides the infrastructure to fully implement Multi-Tiered Storage.


The FRM components are fully configurable so that virtually any file transfer mechanisms can be used. The FRM configuration is described by a configuration file. This configuration file must hold the configuration directives describing the XRootD configuration as well as a few FRM specific directives.


Using the oss component does not require that you use FRM. In fact, there is no reason to use FRM if you do not need Multi-Tiered Storage, do not need server-to-server copy functionality, nor have enabled scalable file system support using the configuration directive.


1.1       FRM Components


The FRM consists of three configurable components:

File administration via the frm_admin command,

·         Inactive file purging via the frm_purged daemon. and

·         File Transfer via the frm_xfragent command and the frm_xfrd daemon.


The FRM deals with two major mechanisms:

·         local disk, and

·         remote servers (e.g., Mass Storage System) that implement a Unix-like        name space, a file transfer mechanism, and interface to supply metadata       about stored files.


1.1.1        File Administration Using frm_admin


The frm_admin command allows you to manipulate the file space and file attributes for file accessed via XRootD on a particular server. Hence, it can only be run on an actual data server and requires that you use the standard underlying XRootD-provided mechanisms to access the underlying local file system.  If this is not the case, the some frm_admin functions may not be available.


To properly work, the command scans your XRootD configuration file to determine how the data server is configured. Once this occurs you can

·         Verify that the name space matches the data space, that usage statistics are correct, and make any needed repairs if they are inconsistent (see audit)

·         Calculate, reset, and vie file checksums (see chksum),

·         Find files that have (e.g. a memory mapped or pinned) or lack (e.g. are not check-summed or migrated) certain attributes (see find),

·         Designate one or more files as migratable or purgeable (see mark),

·         Designate one or more files are file as capable of being memory mapped or remove such designations (see mmap),

·         Designate one or more files are non-purgeable for a variable amount of time or remove such designation (see pin),

·         Display various information about the name and data spaces, transfer queues, and perform name conversions (see query),

·         Relocate files from one partition to another (see reloc), and

·         Remove files from the data server and automatically remove any references to the files from redirector caches (see rm).


All of these functions can perform properly only when the total configuration exists in a single file. This is because frm_admin is a cross-component command and needs to determine how the components interact to provide a seamless view.


The frm_admin command can run as a command line tool (i.e. a single command specified on the command line), as an interactive command (i.e., prompting for sub-commands), and in batch mode (i.e. piping multiple commands to its standard input while in interactive mode). The command always exits with a zero status code if no errors occurred.


To make administration easier, the frm_admin command can run on a live system. There is no need to stop the data server during its execution.


1.1.2        File Purging Using frm_purged


The XRootD system allows you to setup data servers in file caching mode, also known as staging. In this setup, you bring in files as a clients request them, either in real-time or pre-run mode. Because the data server is constantly ingesting files the File Residency Manager provides a tool that allows you to remove files that are no longer popular (i.e., not referenced for some time). This is accomplished by running the frm_purged daemon.


This daemon perform the following steps:

·         Reads the XRootD configuration file

o   looking for exported paths that have been designated as purgeable (e.g. “all.export path purge”),

o   determine the purge policy (i.e., when a file should be purge) for each configured space (i.e. dirhold, policy, polprog directives), and

o   how often to attempt purging (i.e. waittime directive).

·         It scans all purgeable paths and constructs a list of purgeable candidate files, ordering them in least used order.

·         At each purge interval, if the amount of free space is below the desired level, candidates files still eligible for purging are removed (subject to any real-time policy as implemented by the polprog directive) until there is sufficient free space available.

·         The above step is repeated until no candidate files remain. In this case, a new candidate list is constructed (i.e., step 2 above).


While it is normal to run frm_purged as a daemon, you can also run it as a one-time command (see the –O command line option). This allows you to make additional space available on an ad hoc basis. When you to run frm_purged as a one-time command and you are also running it as a daemon, you should pause the daemon during the one-time run. You can do this in a number of ways (e.g., sending it a SIGSTOP kill signal or temporarily creating a stop file). While not absolutely necessary, it does keep the log file clean of false error messages as the two processes compete for purgeable files.


With the –T command line option you can see which files would be removed without actually removing the files. This is useful if you wish to verify that you have correctly specified various purge options.



A file is deemed purgeable when all of the following conditions are true:

·         resides in a purgeable path,

·         has not been accessed for a specified amount of time,

·         is not pinned (see the frm_admin pin),

·         has been migrated if it exists in migratable space and has been modified (see Migrating Files), and

·         the specified real-time policy, if any, allows the file to be purged.


As files are removed, it is likely that empty directories are created. Normally, frm_purged keeps empty directories for 40 hours and then removes them. You can specify a longer or shorter time using the dirhold directive.


1.1.3        Transfering Files Using frm_xfrd


The frm_xfrd command runs as a daemon and co-ordinates copying files out of and into a data server. The daemon, itself, does not actually copes files but instead relies on site-supplied scripts to perform the actual transfer operation. This allows you to use any copy command and any source or target location.


The notion of copying files out of a data server is known as migration. It allows you to make sure that modified files are backed up on more permanent media. Migration is completely optional.


The notion of copying files into a data server is known as staging. It allows you to automatically fetch missing files into a data server from another local (e.g. MSS) or global (e.g. remote server) location.       Migrating Files


When frm_xfrd is started, it reads the XRootD configuration file looking for paths that have been designated as migratable (i.e. “all.export path migrate”). If it find no such paths, the migration component of frm_xfrd is disabled and migration activity occurs. Migration activity can also be disabled, even though migratable paths exists, if you have not specified how files are to be copied out of the server using the copycmd directive with the out attribute.


Otherwise, the daemon sets up an internal process to look for files that should be migrated. In some sense, the use of the word “migrate” is historic and rather inaccurate. Historically, migration meant that the file is merely copied to another location but not necessarily removed (i.e. purged).


For each migratable path, the daemon constructs a candidate list of files to be copied out of the server. A file is deemed migratable if all of the following are true.

·         It has not be accessed for the time specified by the idlehold directive (default is 10 minutes) and

·         it has been modified but not yet been successfully copied out of the server.


For each file in the candidate list, the transfer command specified by the “copycmd outdirective is invoked to copy the file. If the copy is successful, the file is marked as migrated and will not be migrated again unless it is modified. If the copy fails, the copy will be retried on the next construction of a candidate list.

Since transfers can take a long time, frm_xfrd rechecks if a file is still eligible for migration prior to invoking the copy command.


Candidate lists are periodically constructed. The time interval is specified by the waittime directive which, by default, is 60 minutes. To avoid over-loading the server, a maximum number of transfer are allowed to occur at the same time. This is specified by the copymax directive (default is 2). Since migration competes with staging, frm_xfrd employs a fair share algorithm to prevent starvation of either activity.


You can manage migration using the frm_admin command with two subcommands:

·         find to display eligible files that have not yet been migrated, and

·         mark to force a file to be migrated or to cancel a pending migration.


You can always pause frm_xfrd’s migration component by creating a special stop file named STOPMIGR.       Staging Files


The frm_xfrd may also co-ordinate requests to copy files into the data server. This mechanism is known as staging. It occurs automatically for stageable paths (i.e., “all.export path stage”) and it is possible to manually request that a staging operation occur using the frm_xfragent command.


Staging is driven by a disk-based queue. Requests may be added to the queue by the oss component of XRootD or by the frm_xfragent command. The queue can be listed using frm_admin query xfrq command. The control flow is shown in the following diagram.


The relevant steps are

1.      The XRootD daemon and frm_xfragent command adds stage-in requests to the transfer queue.

2.      The frm_xfrd daemon reads these requests from the queue.

3.      Then it normally pre-allocates a null file to mark where the file is to be placed on local disk. The pre-allocation occurs just as if the file were created via XRootD less any security checks since these would have been performed prior to placing the request in the transfer queue.

4.      After possible file pre-allocation frm_xfrd launches (i.e. fork/exec) the program identified in the copycmd directive with the in attribute. The program is passed the data source and destination, plus additional information, as configured.

5.      The copy program is responsible for copying the data from the remote source to the local destination, overlaying the pre-allocated file (i.e. truncate/copy).

6.      For XRootD placed entries, frm_xfrd notifies XRootD whether the copy succeeded or failed.


The transfer queue is a set of files located in the directory identified by the adminpath directive (default is /tmp); possible modified by the instance name (-n command line option). Normally, there is a 1- to 1-correspondence between an XRootD instance and a transfer queue. However, you can use the qcheck directive to establish a single transfer queue for any number of XRootD instances.


The transfer queue is a set of files because the queue keeps track of requests to stage files, frm_xfragent initiated requests to migrate files, and XRootD 3rd copy file requests. Each of these requests can be individually paused using special stop files. Also, each request can be given a low, medium, or high priority. High priority requests execute three times as often as low priority requests; medium priority requests twice as often. By default, all requests are placed in the low priority queue.


The copy command can be any command you desire, including a script that can make arbitrary decisions on how to accomplish the copy. In all cases, the copy command must end with a 0 status code is the copy was successful.  A status code of 2 if the source file was not found, and any non-zero status code for any other type of error.



The frm_xrfd daemon maintains numerous variables holding information to pass to the command. Perhaps the two most important variable are $SRC which contains the source path and $DST which contains the destination path. For instance, the directive

frm.xfr.copycmd in xrdcp root:/redirhost/$SRC $DST

Would copy a file whose name is contained in $SRC from an XRootD cluster control by the redirector redirhost to the local disk at $DST.       Staging Files Across A Firewall


For many sites, staging causes data to be copied from some internal source (e.g., slow file server, Mass Storage System, etc). When you wish to stage from an external source (e.g. a globally federated cluster) then the server needs to be able to establish an outgoing connection on the public internet. If there is a firewall that disallows out-going connections, then additional you need to bridge the firewall. The usual accepted solution to such a problem is to setup a border machine that has connectivity to the external internet as well as the local network. This becomes the proxy host and the actual copy must occur on the border machine since it is the only machine that has access to the inside and outside worlds.


This situation is illustrated in the following diagram.


The trick is to execute the copy command on the border machine. This can be easily accomplished by simply using ssh. For instance,

frm.xfr.copycmd in ssh border copycmd

Of course, you would need to setup ssh host keys to prevent ssh from prompting for a password (see ssh-keygen).


The only problem here is that the copy command needs to be able to access the local disk that resides at the launching host. Some copy programs can do this but not all. Notably, xrdcp cannot be used to directly access the local disk from a border machine. There are two solutions to this problem.      SSH Tunneling


This solution simply sends the data from fetched by xrdcp back to the launching host via the established ssh tunnel and directs it to the destination file. The basic concept is shown below along with the copycmd directive that would be specified.




The wallhop script, running on the border machine, simply creates a local pipe to capture data from xrdcp and sends it back across the private network to the originating host where it gets piped into the destination file. The wallhop script is so simple that it is shown below.



$infn = $ARGV[0];            # Input source

$fifo = "/tmp/.wallhop.$$";  # The fifo we will be using


print STDERR `mkfifo $fifo`; # Create the temporary fifo


# Copy fifo to standard out (i.e. source file -> stdout)


exec("/bin/cat $fifo") if !($pid = fork());


# Copy source file to the fifo, delete the fifo, and exit


$resp = `xrdcp -f -np $infn $fifo`;

kill(KILL,$pid) if $rc = $?;


exit $rc;

The wallhop Script      Reconnection


The second solution avoids the performance loss due to ssh tunneling by sending the data directly to the XRootD server running on the launching host, as shown below.



There are several things to note. First, we must disable frm_xfrd from pre-creating the destination file using the noalloc option. This is because the XRootD will create the file and the copy operation will fail if the file already exists.


Secondly, we need to authorize the border to write into directories that are typically exported as read-only. This is a bit of a complication because the only way to do this is to export stageable paths as read-write and prohibit everyone but the border machine from writing into those paths. If you are already implementing a complex security model, you may wish to run another instance of an unclustered XRootD server that can be only be used by the border machine and allows read-write access to stageable paths. Otherwise, the following diagram shows how to transform a simple configuration file to one that allows the border machine access.




In the previous configuration file snippet,

·         the r/o attribute in the all.export directive was changed to indicate that the path /data was now r/w (i.e. read-write) but it should be exported as r/o to the redirector (i.e. globalro). This allows data to be locally written to the path but keeps a consistent read-only view of the path in the cluster.

·         The ofs.authorize directive was added to indicate that access privileges are to be enforced.

·         The acc.authdb directive indicates where the authorization information is located (i.e. /authfile).

·         In the authfile the ‘u’ record indicate that, by default, everyone has read-only access to data on this server. The ‘h’ record establishes an read-write exception for any client coming from the border machine.


Because anyone on the border machine is given read-write access, the machine is not shareable with other XRootD clients. If this is too restrictive then you need to run another instance of an unclustered XRootD server that can be only be used by the border machine and allows read-write access to stageable paths.       Staging via a Global Redirector


Staging in data from a globally federated XRootD cluster is not much different from staging data an arbitrary remote source. Here, the data source for the xrdcp command points to the global redirector as the source of data and care has to be taken to prevent redirection loops. A redirection loop occurs when your cluster is federated with a global redirector and uses the global redirector to fetch a missing file using xrd_frmd. If the global redirector thinks that the requesting cluster may have the file, it may redirect xrdcp back to its cluster. However, since the file is actually missing the request proceeds to the xrd_frmd which simply asks the global redirector again. Hence, a redirection loop that slowly but eventually ends.


Each XRootD cluster is automatically assigned a globally unique cluster identifier. The frm_xfrd sets the variable $CID to contain this identifier. To avoid redirection loops via the global redirector you must tell it to ignore your cluster when looking for a file. This is done by adding additional cgi data (i.e., “tried=+$CGI”) to the source path, as shown below.


frm.xfr.copycmd in noalloc ssh border xrdcp –np \

     xroot://globalrdr/$SRC?tried=+$CGI root://$HOST/$DST      Using The oss.remoteroot Directive


The oss.remoteroot directive allows you to automatically direct data source at a remote location and segregate them from the normal copy stream. This works only if all of the following are true

·         the default oss plug-in to access the underlying storage is being used, and

·         the oss.namelib directive is not specified.


If you are using a name2name plug-in, you can still supply the correct remote location but you will have to programmatically do so.


For instance, assume the remote location is host globalrdr. Then including the directive


oss.remoteroot xrootd://globalrdr/


The oss plug-in would automatically prefix the logical file name with “xrootd://globalrdr/” when handing the file to be staged in to frm_xfrd. Consequently, the frm.xfr.copycmd directives can directly refer to the source of the data. For instance,



frm.xfr.copycmd in noalloc ssh border xrdcp –np \

     xroot://globalrdr/$SRC?tried=+$CGI root://$HOST/$DST




oss.remoteroot xroot://globalrdr/

frm.xfr.copycmd in noalloc url ssh border xrdcp –np \

     $SRC?tried=+$CGI root://$HOST/$DST



Notice that we added the “url” option to the copycmd directive. This is because the frm_xfrd will receive an actual url as the copy source, not a plain logical file name. A url formatted name needs no additional qualification as it contains all the required information.


To help you manage url-based copies, the frm_xfrd places them is a special input url queue referenced by the copycmd directive. If such a directive does not exist, no url copies are performed. This allows you to segregate url vs lfn based copy requests.

2         frm_admin Command



frm_admin [options] [cmd [cmdopts] cmdparms]


options: [-c cfn ] [-d] [-h] [-n name] [-v]


command: help | audit | chksum | exit | f[ind] | mark |


        mmap | pin | q[uery] | quit | reloc | rm




Execute local file residency maintenance commands.



-c cfn   The configuration file to be used. The default configuration file, /opt/xrootd/etc/, is read if it exists.


-d        Turn on debugging.


-h        Print usage information.


-n name

            Is the name of the server instance for which the command is being performed. See the notes for more information.


-v         Prints additional messages where relevant.



cmd     Is one of the following:

            help       - provide additional usage information.

            audit      - verify file system consistency.

            chksum - calculate, set, display, or verify a file’s checksum.

            exit         - terminate the program (used in interactive mode).

            find       - find existing or missing residency management file attributes.

            mmap    - set file memory mapping attributes.

            mark      - set file migration or purging attributes

            pin         - set pin attributes.

            query    - display various information.

            reloc      - relocate files from one type of space to another.

            rm          - remove one or more files or directories.



            Are command specific options. Refer to each command description for more information.



            Are command specific parameters. Refer to each command description for more information.



1)      When frm_admin is invoked with no parameters, it enters interactive prompt mode. In this mode you can execute a series of commands by entering new line separated functions and parameters in response to the prompt. Command-line editing tools are enabled on platforms that support them.

2)      To leave interactive mode, use the exit or quit commands. Alternatively, a null line in response to the prompt causes the program to exit.


2.1       audit



audit [options] what


what:   names ldir | space sname[:sdir] | usage [sname]


options: [-fix] [-force] [-migratable] [-purgeable]





Inventory the logical name space, physical data space, or usage information for validity.





            Audits the logical name space, ldir.


ldir       Is the logical name of the directory whose contents are to be audited.


space  Audits the physical data space named sname.


usage  Audits the space usage associated with physical data space named sname.


sname  Is the name of the space to be audited for contents or usage. This is the name that is specified using the directive. By default, all directories associated with the named space are processed. For usage, if no sname is specified, all spaces are audited for usage.


sdir      Is a specific directory associated with sname, as specified using the directive. Only that directory is processed.




-fix      Attempts to fix problems encountered during the audit.


-force  When used in conjunction with –fix, automatically answers yes to every question posed. This, in effect, corrects all mistakes without intervention.



            With –fix, sets missing migration-purge file attributes in ldir to indicate that the file with the missing attributes must be migrated prior to being purged. This is the default when ldir is exported with the mig option.



            With –fix, sets missing migration-purge file attributes in ldir to indicate that the file with the missing attributes may be purged.



            Recursively audits the names in all directories starting with ldir.


Notes on audit names

1)      A copy-time attribute is associated with each data file to track file modifications. This attribute is automatically set when the space is exported with the mig or stage options.

2)      When a names audit is requested the following occurs

a.      The directory is scanned for any files that lack a required copy-time attribute. Files in paths exported with the mig or purge and r/w options must have a copy-time attribute to make them eligible for migration and purging.

b.      The default fix action is to set the copy-time attribute that requires the base file to be migrated or allows it to be purged; depending on the subcommand options or defaults.

c.       Should a base file be a symbolic link to a named space, the link’s consistency is verified. If the link point to a non-existent data file; the default fix action is to remove the dangling link.

d.     Additionally for XA spaces, the data file must be associated with pfn metadata. If the pfn metadata is missing or incorrect, the default fix action is to recreate the metadata.


Notes on audit space

1)      Generally, space auditing is a deterministic process. Occasionally, irresolvable conflicts can arise. You should not use the fix option to repair spaces without first running the audit names subcommand.

2)      When a space is audited the following occurs

a.      The directory containing the space is scanned to verify that each data file in the space is pointed to by a symbolic link in the associated name space. When a missing link is found and the physical name of the file can be determined, the default fix action is to create the symbolic link. If the physical name cannot be determined, the default fix action is to delete the data file and its associated metadata.

b.      Additionally for XA spaces, the data file must be associated with pfn metadata. If the pfn metadata is missing; the default fix action is to delete the data file. If the pfn metadata is incorrect, the default fix action is to create a new symbolic link in the logical name space pointing to the data file that is consistent with the pfn metadata.


Notes on audit usage

1)      The –fix option is only meaningful when usage logging is enabled (see the oss.usage directive).

2)      Space usage can be fixed while the XRootD server is running. Applying multiple fixes is allowed.

2.2       chksum



chksum [options] func path


options: [-force] [-pfn] [-type digest] [-verbose]


func:   calc | ls | set csval | unset | verify csval



Get, set, and verify a file’s checksum.




calc     Calculates the checksum unless the file already has a valid checksum. Specifying –force will force the calculation of the checksum. When the checksum is calculated, the file’s checksum is also updated with the calculated value. The file’s checksum is also printed.


ls         Lists all the checksums associated with the file unless –type specifies a particular checksum.


set       Sets the file’s checksum to the specified value, csval. The csval must be specified as an ASCII sequence of hexadecimal digits consistent with the associated checksum.


unset  Deletes the file’s default checksum information or the checksum specified with the –type option.


verify Effectively issues calc on the file and then compares the resulting checksum with csval; indicating whether the values are the same or not. The csval must be specified as an ASCII sequence of hexadecimal digits consistent with the associated checksum.


path     Is the path of the file to be acted upon. The path represents a logical name unless –pfn is specified, in which case path is taken as a physical filename.





-force  forces the calculation of a checksum even when the file has a valid checksum associated with it.


-pfn    treats path as a physical file name and does not apply logical file name transformations.


-type   specifies the checksum digest to be used. The adler32, crc32, and md5 checksums are natively supported. An additional checksum may be defined with the ofs.ckslib directive. The default checksum corresponds to the digest specified on the xrootd.chksum directive. In absence of that directive, the default becomes adler32.



            Displays additional information when the checksum is printed. The default format is:

csval digest

            Where csval is the checksum value as an ASCII sequence of hexadecimal digits and digest is the algorithmic name for csval. When –verbose is specified the format is:

csval digest mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss path

            Where mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss is the date and time the checksum was calculated and path is the filename.



1)      Checksum values are recorded in the file’s extended attributes.

2.3       find




find [options] what ldir [ldir [. . .]]


what:   failfiles | mmapped | nochksum digest | pinned |




options: [-recursive]




Search the logical name space for certain kinds of anomalies.





            Finds all fail meta-files (i.e., files suffixed with “.fail”).



            Finds all data files that have individual memory-map attributes and displays their memory-map properties. See the mmap subcommand for details.


nochksum digest                                                                                                                  

            Finds all data files that do not have a valid checksum for digest (e.g. md5); nocs is a synonym for nochksum.



            Finds all data files that are potentially pinned and displays their pinned properties. See the pin subcommand for details.



            Finds all data files whose attributes indicate an un-migrated status.


ldir       Is the logical name of the directory whose contents are to be searched. More than one logical directory name may be specified.






            Recursively processes all subdirectories of ldir.



1)      Except for the mmapped option, the find subcommand is useful only for name spaces that have been exported with the mig or stage options.



2.4       mark



mark [options] lspec [lspec [. . .]]


options: [-force] [-migratable] [-purgeable] [-recursive]


lspec:  lfn | ldir[/*]



Set migration-purge attributes for one or more files.




lfn        Is the logical name of a file whose migration-purge attributes are to be set. Multiple lfn’s may be specified.


ldir       Is the logical name of a directory. When ldir is suffixed by “/*’ then migration and purge metadata is created or altered for all data files in ldir. Specifying –recursive applies mark to all files in ldir and all of its descendants. Multiple ldir’s may be specified.




-force  Does not ask questions regarding possible conflicts when setting or over-riding migration-purge attributes.



            Sets the migration-purge attributes to indicate that lfn must be migrated prior to being purged. This is the default.



            Sets the migration-purge attributes to indicate that lfn may be purged.



            Recursively processes all subdirectories of ldir.




1)      The mark command is useful only for name spaces that have been exported with the mig or stage options.

2)      You must quote or escape ldir when specifying ldir with an asterisk on the frm_admin command line.


2.5       mmap



mmap [options] lspec [lspec [. . .]]


options: [-keep] [-lock] [-off] [-recursive]


lspec:  lfn | ldir[/*]



Set memory mapping attributes for one or more files.




lfn        Is the logical name of a file whose memory map attributes are to be set. Multiple lfn’s may be specified.


ldir       Is the logical name of a directory. When ldir is suffixed by “/*’ then memory map attributes are set for all data files in ldir. Specifying –recursive applies mmap to all files in ldir and all of its descendants. Multiple ldir’s may be specified.




-keep  requests that once the memory mapping is established, it should be kept even when the file is not open.


-lock   requests that memory pages be locked in memory, if possible.


-off      removes all memory map attributes. This option takes precedence over any other attribute option.



            Recursively processes all subdirectories of ldir.




1)      The mmap command without merely allows the file to be mapped in memory.

2)      The mmap command is useful only for name spaces that have been exported with the mcheck option that allows individual file mmap attributes to be honored.

3)      You must quote or escape ldir when specifying ldir with an asterisk on the frm_admin command line.

4)      The mmap subcommand is supported only for file systems that support extended attributes.

2.6       mv



mv oldlfn newlfn



Rename an existing file.




oldlfn   Is the logical name of the file to be renamed.


newlfn Is the new logical name. The new name may not exist.


2.7       pin



pin [options] lspec [lspec [. . .]]


options: [-keep tspec] [-recursive]


tspec:  [+]num[d|h|m|s] | mm/dd/yy | forever

lspec:  lfn | ldir[/*]




Set pin attributes for one or more files to control file purging.




lfn        Is the logical name of a file for which pin attributes are to be set. Multiple lfn’s may be specified.


ldir       Is the logical name of a directory. When ldir is suffixed by “/*’ then pin attributes are set for all data files in ldir. Specifying –recursive applies pin to all files in ldir and all of its descendants. Multiple ldir’s may be specified.




-keep  Sets amount of time a file must be kept in local disk. To keep a file on disk unless it has not been accessed for a period of time, specify the period as +num[d | h | m | s] where num is the quantity and d is for days, h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds (the default). To keep a file on disk for a certain amount of time past midnight, specify the time as num[d | h | m | s] without the leading plus sign. To keep a file on disk until a particular date, specify the time in date format (i.e., keep until this date) as mm/dd/yy where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yy is the year. To keep the file on disk indefinitely, specify the time as forever. To unpin a file specify a period of zero (i.e. 0).



Recursively processes all subdirectories of lspec should it be a directory.



1)      The pin command is useful only for name spaces that have been exported with the purge option.

2)      Default pinning attributes are based on the configuration supplied to the purge daemon. The file pin attributes over-ride the defaults.

3)      When keep time is zero, the file pin attributes are removed.

4)      You must quote or escape ldir when specifying ldir with an asterisk on the frm_admin command line.

5)      The pin subcommand is supported only for file systems that support extended attributes.


2.8       query



query   what


what:     pfn lspec [lspec [. . .]]

        | rfn lspec [lspec [. . .]]

        | space [[-recursive] lspec [lspec [...]]

        | usage [sname]

        | xfrq [qtypes] [prty] [vars]


lspec:  lfn | ldir[/*]


qtypes: {all | get | migr | put | stage} [qtypes]


vars:   {lfn | lfncgi | mode | obj | objcgi | op | prty |


         qwt | rid | tod | note | tid} [vars]




Display various information.




pfn      Displays the local disk physical file name corresponding to the specified logical name. The name need not exist. More than one lspec may be specified.


rfn       Displays the remote physical file name corresponding to the specified logical name. The name need not exist. More than one lspec may be specified.


space  Without arguments, displays the configured spaces as defined by the directive. When lspec is specified, displays the space in which one or more files reside.  The lspec may be preceded by –recursive or –r to recursively processes all subdirectories of lspec should it be a directory.


lfn        Is the logical name to be queried. Multiple lfn’s may be specified.


ldir       Is the logical name of a directory to be queried.  Multiple ldir’s may be specified.


ldir/*    Is the logical name of a directory. For query space, the query is applied to all data files in the directory. This is the default for query space when lspec is a directory name. Multiple ldir/*’s may be specified.


usage  Displays usage information based on the usage log file for the space named sname. If sname is not specified, usage for all named spaces is displayed.


xfrq     Displays frm_xfrd queue information. These are files that need to be copied into or out of the server.


qtypes  by default, all queues are listed. Otherwise, qtypes lists particular queues, as follows:

            all        - all queues, the default.

            get       - the copy-in queue for specific client-issued request.

            migr    - the migrate queue for the FRM migration service.

            put      - the copy-out queue for specific client-issued requests.

            stage   - the stage-in queue for the FRM pre-stage service.


prty     by default, all priorities are listed. Otherwise, prty specified the particular priority to be listed (i.e.  0, 1, or 2).


vars     is an optional list of variable names, as described below. Information is listed in the order in which the variables are listed; each separated by a space. The default variable is lfn. Valid variables are:









logical filename


lfn or url


seconds in queue


lfn?[cgi string]


lfncgi or url?[cgi]




processing opts


Operation (e.g., ‘<’)




notification string




time of day



1)      The query space subcommand is only useful when a symlinked file system has been defined with the directive.

2)      The query usage subcommand is only useful with usage logging has been enabled with the oss.usage directive.

3)      Usage for non-XA spaces contains limited information and is not necessarily accurate relative to other non-XA spaces.

4)      Usage information is displayed in bytes with the following tags:

a.      Space         the name of the space.

b.      Used          bytes currently recognized by XRootD as being used.

c.       Staged       bytes staged by the pre-stage daemon.

d.     Purged      bytes purged by the purge daemon.

e.      Adjust       the correction factor determined by audit usage –fix.

f.        Effective    (Used + StagedPurged + Adjust)

5)      The staged, purged, and adjust values are periodically reset to zero when the XRootD daemon re-computes the quantity it considers in-use based on the previous values.

6)      You must quote or escape ldir when specifying ldir with an asterisk on the frm_admin command line.

7)      The output of query xfrq is largely self-explanatory. Additional details can be found in the section describing frm_xfragent. For the variable op, the following designations are used:

<    -  copy file lfn from a remote location to local disk.

=    -  copy file lfn to a remote location and then remove it from local disk.

>    -  copy file lfn to a remote location.

+    -  stage file lfn from a remote location to local disk.

^    -  migrate file lfn to a remote location and then remove it from local disk.

&   -  migrate file lfn to a remote location.

2.9       reloc



reloc lfn sname[:sdir]



Relocate a data file from one space to another.




lfn        Is the logical name of the file to be relocated.


sname  Is the name of the space in which the file is to reside.


sdir      Is a specific directory associated with sname, in which the file is to reside.



1)      The reloc subcommand is only supported for XA space targets. That is, the file may reside in any space but may only be relocated to an XA space.

2)      If lfn already exists in sname, then you must specify sdir and it must differ from the directory in which the data file resides.

2.10    rm



rm [options] lspec [lspec [. . .]]


options: [-echo] [-force] [-recursive]


lspec:   lfn | ldir[/*]



Remove one or more files from local disk.




lfn        Is the logical name of a file to be removed. Multiple lfn’s may be specified.


ldir       Is the logical name of a directory to be removed. The directory must be effectively empty. Multiple ldir’s may be specified.


ldir/*    Is the logical name of a directory. All entries in the directory, but not the directory itself are removed. Removal fails if the directory contains another directory. In this case, you must use the –recursive option. Multiple ldir/*’s may be specified.




echo    Displays the physical name of every removed file.


force   Does not ask for permission prior to removing a file.



            Recursively removes all files and directories starting with ldir before removing ldir itself.



1)      The recursive option only applies to directories and is ignored if lspec is not a directory.

2)      You must quote or escape ldir when specifying ldir with an asterisk on the frm_admin command line.


3         The frm_purged Command for Purging



frm_purged [ options ] [ args ]


args:   [sname] [path] [args]


options: [-b] [-c cfn] [-d] [-f]


        [-k {num | sz{k|m|g} | sig}] [-l [=]logfn]


        [-n name] [-O free[,hold]] [-s pfn] [-S site]


        [-T] [-v] [-z]


sig:    fifo|hup|rtmin|rtmin+1|rtmin+2|ttou|winch|xfsz




Manage the purging of files inactive files from local disk.




sname  Restricts purging to the indicated space. Only files residing in sname are potentially purged. Any number of space names may be specified but each specified name must have been defined via the directive.


path     Restricts purging to the indicated path and all of its descendants. Only files residing on path and defined as purgeable via the all.export directive are potentially purged. Any number of path names may be specified but each specified name must have been exported via the all.export directive.




-b        Runs in true daemon mode as a background process.


-c configfn

The configuration file name. The default name for the configuration file is “/opt/xrootd/etc/”.


-d        Turns on debugging mode. Additional information is printed to describe various actions.


-f         Automatically removes (i.e., fixes) orphaned fail files.


-k num | sz{k|m|g} | sig

Keep no more than num old log files. If sz is specified, the number of log files kept (excluding the current log file) is trimmed to not exceed sz bytes. The sz must be suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabyte, or gigbytes, respectively. If a sig value is specified (i.e. hup etc), then an external program is expected to handle log file rotation (e.g. logrotate). Except for fifo, the argument specifies signal that causes the daemon to close and re-open the log file to allow rotation to occur. When fifo is specified, the daemon waits for data to appear on a fifo whose path is identical to the log file path but whose name is prefixed by a dot. Refer to the notes for manual rotation caveats.


-l logfn

Routes error messages and any trace output to logfn. By default, messages are directed to standard error. When fn is prefixed by an equals sign, the fn is not qualified by the instance name, if any. This allows log files to be handled in an arbitrary manual way. For more information see the section on fencing daemon instances.


-n name

            Assigns name to the frm_purged instance. By default, the frm_purged instance is unnamed. See the notes on how to use this option.


-O free[,hold]

            Runs frm_purged as a command and performs a one-time purge. Specify for free either a percentage of free space (e.g., 10%) that is required or an actual amount optionally suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigbytes, respectively. Optionally specify for hold the minimum amount of time must have not been accessed in order to be purged. The time may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The one-time policy applies to all spaces selected for purging. Unspecified values come from each configured policy.


-s pfn   Specifies the name of the file that is to hold the process id upon start-up.


-S site  Specifies a 1- to 15-character site name that is to be included in monitoring records. The name may only contain letters, digits and the symbols “_-:.”; any other characters are converted to a period.


-T        Runs in test mode. No files are actually deleted.


-v         Increases verbosity by displaying additional information about which files were purged.


-z         provides microsecond resolution for log file message timestamps.



1)      The frm_purged also accepts additional directives from the configuration file, configfn. These directives are described in the following section.

2)      The –b and –s options are meant to be used by start-up scripts (e.g. init.d). When –s is specified, an additional pid-file is created.

3)      If a log file is specified without a signal -k option, the file is closed at midnight, renamed to have a date suffix (i.e., fn.yyyymmdd) and possible sequence number (i.e. fn.yyyymmdd.n), and a new log file is opened.

4)      When a signal value is specified, log files are not automatically renamed at midnight. Instead an external program must be used to properly rotate log files. Make sure to choose a signal that is not in use by any plug-in. If unsure, choose one of the obscure signal names and monitor for any odd behavior. Otherwise, use the fifo option. Be aware that on some non-Linux platforms the fifo file descriptor may leak.

5)      When fifo is specified the fifo file name must not exists or exist as a fifo file. A simple “echo x >> /path/.lfn” causes the log file to close and reopen.

6)      The sig names, except for fifo, be fully capitalized as well prefixed by “sig” or “SIG” when capitalized.


3.1       Exported Environment Variables

The following table shows the environment variable exported by frm_purged. These may be used by external programs and plug-ins, as needed. They should never be modified.





The effective administrative path used for server management files.


Set to one when the –d command line option is specified.


The current host’s DNS name.


Is the directory where log files are written.


The name specified via –n or anon if no instance name was specified.


The executable’s name.


The site name specified either via the –s command line option or the all.sitename directive.

3.2       The frm_purged Configuration directives


In addition to the directives prefixed by “frm.purge”, frm_purged also uses certain ofs, oss, and xrood-specific directives, if already specified, for configuration. They are shown grayed-out below.



all.adminpath      apath


all.pidpath        ppath


frm.all.monitor    [ident sec] dest [ dest ]


frm.purge.dirhold  hold


frm.purge.policy   {* | sname} [nopurge | polargs]


frm.purge.polprog  [vars] |path [pargs]


frm.purge.waittime wsec


ofs.osslib         libpath [ parms ]


oss.localroot      lpath


oss.namelib        npath [ parms ]


oss.remoteroot     rpath




dest:    dest events host:port


   events: [migr] [purge] [stage]


vars:    atime | ctime | fname | fsize | fspace


         mtime | pfn | sname | tspace | usage


polargs: [minfree [maxfree]] [hold hold] [polprog]


hold:    forever | htime





frm.all.monitor [ident sec] dest events dest [dest events dest ]    

Enables monitoring of events (see the “Scalla Monitoring” reference for more information). Event records can be sent via UDP to one or two destinations, dest (i.e. host:port)  You select which records are sent by specifying one more event types. Valid events are:

migr    files copied to remote storage by frm_xfrd.

purge files removed from local storage by frm_purged.

stage   files copied from remote storage by frm_xfrd.


The ident option is used to specify the number of seconds between each server identity transmission (i.e., the ‘=’ map record). Specify a number optionally suffixed by h for hours, m for minutes, or s for seconds, the default. A value of zero transmits the identity only once at start-up time. The default is 1 hour (i.e. 3600 seconds).


frm.purge.dirhold htime    

Specifies how long empty directories are to be kept after being created. If htime is the word “forever”, empty directories are not removed. Otherwise, empty directories are removed after htime past the last modification. The htime may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 40h.


frm.purge.policy {* | sname} nopurge | [minfree [maxfree]] [hold hold] [polprog]           

Defines a purging policy. An asterisk (*) defines the default policy and is used to complete all subsequent policy directives; while an sname defines a policy for the named space.  Specifying nopurge prevents file purging. Otherwise, specify one or more of the following:

minfree     the minimum amount of free space. Purging begins when the amount of free space falls below this value. Specify a percentage of the total space (e.g., 10%) or an absolute amount space, optionally suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigbytes, respectively. The default is 2%.


maxfree    the maximum amount of free space. Purging stops when the amount of free space goes above this value. Specify a percentage of the total space or an absolute amount space which may be optionally suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabytes, or gigbytes, respectively. The maxfree value must be greater than or equal to the minfree value. The default is 3% if minfree is not specified. Otherwise, if minfree is a percentage the default is minfree+1 and if minfree is an absolute value the default is minfree*120%.

htime        the minimum amount of time the file must have not been accessed in order to be purged. The htime may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 20h (hours).

polprog     invokes the program defined by a previous polprog directive in order to determine if the file can be purged once all other criteria have been met.


frm.purge.polprog [vars] |path [pargs]     

Defines an external policy. The external policy is implemented by the program named by path. The program is started with optional arguments pargs. Whenever a purge decision is needed the indicated variable values, terminated by a newline character (‘\n’), are sent to the program’s standard-in. The program must write a single character response, terminated by a newline, to standard-out (see the usage notes). The following variables may be specified:

atime     file’s last access time in Unix seconds.

ctime     file’s creation time in Unix seconds.

fname    file name, excluding the directory path.

fsize       size of the file in bytes.

fspace    bytes of free space available in the file’s designated space.

mtime    file’s last modification time in Unix seconds.

pfn         physical file name, including its full path.

sname   name of the space in which the file resides.

tspace    total bytes allocated to the file’s designated space.

usage     bytes used in the file’s designated space. This may be -1 if                          usage information is not maintained by space name.


frm.purge.waittime wsec                                                                                                         

wsec is the number of seconds to wait before checking whether purging is necessary. The wsec may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 5 minutes.


3.2.1        Directives used but documented in the “ofs/oss Reference”


ofs.osslib libpath [ parms ]                                                                                                         

libpath is the absolute path to the shared library that contains the implementation of the storage system interface that frm_xfrd is to use for file system specific storage operations (e.g., create, rename, etc). The default is to use a built-in mechanism that is identical to what XRootD uses by default.


oss.localroot lpath                                                                                                                      

lpath is the path that must prefix any logical file name before using it as a local physical file name (i.e. to map lfn to local pfn). By default, no prefix is used. Also see the oss.namelib directive.


oss.namelib npath [ parms ]

npath is the absolute path to the shared library that contains the implementation of the name-to-name translation interface that frm_xfrd is to use to convert logical file names to local and remote physical file names. The default is to use a built-in mechanism that relies on the oss.localroot and oss.remoteroot directives.


oss.rmoteroot rpath

rpath is the path that must prefix any logical file name before using it as a remote physical file name (i.e. to map lfn to Mass Storage System pfn). By default, no prefix is used. Also see the oss.namelib directive.


3.2.2        Directives used but documented in the “xrd/xrootd Reference”


all.adminpath apath                                                                                                                  

apath is the fully qualified administrative base path where various directories and special files may be created to control execution. The default is “/tmp”. The –n option augments the base path.


all.pidpath apath                                                                                                                       

ppath is the fully qualified base path where the file is to be written. The default is “/tmp”. The –n option augments the base path.




1)      The frm_purged program periodically performs a full file system namespace scan. The frequency of the scan is determined by the smallest policy hold time. Full namespace scans are skipped as long as sufficient files remain that meet the policy from the previous scan.

2)      The polprog directive identifies an external policy program. The program is started at initialization time and is expected to remain active to accept input from standard-in and provide responses to standard-out. It is automatically restarted should it fail. The default set of tokens sent to the program are “sname pfn fsize atime mtime\n” (i.e., space name, physical file name, file size, last access time, last modification time). The program must respond with a single character followed by a newline character (i.e., “x\n”). There are three possible response sequences:

a)   n\n” which prevents the associated file from being purged,

b)  y\n” which purges the associated file, and

c)   Any other sequence which not only prevents the associated file from being purged but also stops the purging process associated with the space until the next purge cycle starts.


3.3       Created Files


The following files are created by the frm_xfrd:




Modified by




pidpath and

–n option

Holds the process id of the associated frm_purged server



–n option

Core file via default in



-l option and

–n option

Log file via default in


The adminpath directive specifies the directory where the remaining files are written. The -n option specifies the frm_purged instance name. If specified, the instance name is automatically suffixed to the adminpath or /tmp, as shown by “[name/].” A directory is also create in the current working directory for core files and the log file destination is modified by inserting “[name/].” in the destination specified by the –l option. If necessary, the directory is created.


3.4       Temporarily Stopping frm_purged


Each time frm_purged is about to schedule a purge scan, it check whether a stopfile exists indicating that purging is not allowed.  The stopfiles is:








apath   comes from the all.adminpath directive or its default.


name    comes from the –n command line option and is empty if not specified.


The presence of the file stops purging.

4         frm_xfrd Command for the Transfer Daemon



frm_xfrd [ options ]


options: [-b] [-c cfn] [-d] [-k {num | sz{k|m|g} | sig}]


        [-l [=]logfn] [-n name] [-s pfn] [-S site] [-T]


        [-v] [-z]


sig:     fifo|hup|rtmin|rtmin+1|rtmin+2|ttou|winch|xfsz




Manage the copying of files from a Mass Storage System to local disk.



-b        Runs in true daemon mode as a background process.


-c configfn

            The configuration file name. The default name for the configuration file is “/opt/xrootd/etc/”.


-d        Turns on debugging mode. Additional information is printed to describe various actions.


-k num | sz{k|m|g} | sig

Keep no more than num old log files. If sz is specified, the number of log files kept (excluding the current log file) is trimmed to not exceed sz bytes. The sz must be suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabyte, or gigbytes, respectively. If a sig value is specified (i.e. hup etc), then an external program is expected to handle log file rotation (e.g. logrotate). Except for fifo, the argument specifies signal that causes the daemon to close and re-open the log file to allow rotation to occur. When fifo is specified, the daemon waits for data to appear on a fifo whose path is identical to the log file path but whose name is prefixed by a dot. Refer to the notes for manual rotation caveats.



-l logfn

Routes error messages and any trace output to logfn. By default, messages are directed to standard error. When fn is prefixed by an equals sign, the fn is not qualified by the instance name, if any. This allows log files to be handled in an arbitrary manual way. For more information see the section on fencing daemon instances.


-n name

            Assigns name to the frm_xfrd instance. By default, the frm_xfrd instance is unnamed. See the notes on how to use this option.


-s pfn   Specifies the name of the file that is to hold the process id upon start-up.


-S site  Specifies a 1- to 15-character site name that is to be included in monitoring records. The name may only contain letters, digits and the symbols “_-:.”; any other characters are converted to a period.


-T        Runs in test mode. In test mode, no destructive actions (e.g., file removal) are taken.


-v         Produces additional details during executions (i.e., verbose mode).



1)      The frm_xfrd also accepts additional directives from the configuration file, configfn. These directives are described in the following section.

2)      The –n option allows you to run multiple instances of frm_xfrd with a common configuration file. This is possible because the specified name is used to modify various file system paths frm_xfrd uses for output files. By automatically differentiating such paths by instance name prevents two frm_xfrd processes from interfering with each other.

3)      The frm_xfrd verifies that it is the only one running with a given instance name. If another frm_xfrd is discovered, the program exits.

4)      The chosen instance name must be the same as assigned to the frm_xfragent that supplies frm_xfrd work.

5)      The cmsd and xrootd have built-in mechanisms to communicate with frm_xfrd.

6)      The –b and –s options are meant to be used by start-up scripts (e.g. init.d). When –s is specified, an additional pid-file is created.

7)      If a log file is specified without a signal -k option, the file is closed at midnight, renamed to have a date suffix (i.e., fn.yyyymmdd) and possible sequence number (i.e. fn.yyyymmdd.n), and a new log file is opened.

8)      When a signal value is specified, log files are not automatically renamed at midnight. Instead an external program must be used to properly rotate log files. Make sure to choose a signal that is not in use by any plug-in. If unsure, choose one of the obscure signal names and monitor for any odd behavior. Otherwise, use the fifo option. Be aware that on some non-Linux platforms the fifo file descriptor may leak.

9)      When fifo is specified the fifo file name must not exists or exist as a fifo file. A simple “echo x >> /path/.lfn” causes the log file to close and reopen.

10)  The sig names, except for fifo, be fully capitalized as well prefixed by “sig” or “SIG” when capitalized.

4.1       Exported Environment Variables

The following table shows the environment variable exported by frm_xfrd. These may be used by external programs and plug-ins, as needed. They should never be modified.





The effective administrative path used for server management files.


Set to one when the –d command line option is specified.


The current host’s DNS name.


Is the directory where log files are written.


The name specified via –n or anon if no instance name was specified.


The executable’s name.


The site name specified either via the –s command line option or the all.sitename directive.


4.2       The frm_xfrd Configuration directives


In addition to the directives prefixed by “frm.xfr” and “frm.xfr.migr” (for the automatic migration component), frm_xfrd also uses certain ofs, oss, and XRootD-specific directives, if present, for configuration. They are shown grayed-out below. Refer to the corresponding manuals for their full descriptions.



all.adminpath         apath


all.pidpath           ppath


frm.all.monitor       [ident sec] dest [ dest ]


frm.xfr.copycmd       [opts] cmd [ args ]


frm.xfr.copymax       cmax | split inmax outmax


frm.xfr.qcheck        [qsec] [qpath]


frm.xfr.migr.idlehold isec


frm.xfr.migr.waittime wsec


ofs.osslib            libpath [ parms ]


oss.localroot         lpath


oss.namelib           npath [ parms ]


oss.remoteroot        rpath


oss.xfr               deny dt


xrootd.monitor        dest stage host:port




dest:    dest events host:port


   events: [migr] [purge] [stage]


opts:    in | noalloc | out | stats | timeout tsec | url |


         xpd [opts]


args:    [text] [var] [args]


var:     $CID | $CGI | $DST | $INS | $LFN | $PFN | $RFN |


         $NOTIFY | $MDP | $OFLAG | $PRTY | $RID | $SRC |







frm.all.monitor [ident sec] dest events dest [dest events dest ]    

Enables monitoring of events (see the “Scalla Monitoring” reference for more information). Event records can be sent via UDP to one or two destinations, dest (i.e. host:port)  You select which records are sent by specifying one more event types. Valid events are:

migr    files copied to remote storage by frm_xfrd.

purge files removed from local storage by frm_purged.

stage   files copied from remote storage by frm_xfrd.


The ident option is used to specify the number of seconds between each server identity transmission (i.e., the ‘=’ map record). Specify a number optionally suffixed by h for hours, m for minutes, or s for seconds, the default. A value of zero transmits the identity only once at start-up time. The default is 1 hour (i.e. 3600 seconds).



frm.xfr.copycmd [opts] cmd [ args ]                                                                                         

cmd is the absolute path of the program that frm_xfrd is to use to transfer a file. One or more commands may be specified, depending on opts:

in        cmd is only used to transfer files into the server. If copycmd in is defined but a copycmd out is not defined; outgoing transfers will fail. If cmd is not qualified with in or out, cmd is used to transfer a file regardless of direction.


            does not create a placeholder in the filesystem for incoming files.

out      cmd is only used to transfer files out of the server. If copycmd out is defined but an copycmd in is not defined; incoming transfers will fail. If cmd is not qualified with in or out, cmd is used to transfer a file regardless of direction.

stats    transfer statistics are written to the log file. See the next section for the format and meaning of these statistics.

timeout tsec

            cmd is allowed up to tsec seconds to complete before it is killed. The tsec value can suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is zero, preventing any timeout from occurring.

url       cmd is only used if the source or destination filename is in url-format. If copycmd url is not defined, any url-based transfers will fail.


xpd     includes the first line of output from the copy program into the monitoring record tagged as ‘pd=’. See the notes for more information.


args are arbitrary command-specific tokens and may include special variables (see the notes for substitution rules) that are substituted each time cmd is invoked. The following variables may be specified:

$CID           the global cluster identifier issuing this request.

$CGI           all of the opaque information specified after the question mark in the file path.

$DST           the target file name. This may be $PFN or $RFN, depending on the transfer direction. It may also be a url for url-based copy commands.

$INS            instance name (–n option) issuing this request.

$HOST       the hostname of where the daemon is running.

$LFN           logical file name.

$PFN           the local physical file name as modified by localroot or the namelib.

$RFN           remote file name as modified by remoteroot or the namelib.

$NOTIFY   notification string. See the cms.prepmsg or the oss.stagemsg directive for details.

$MDP         the offset into the destination file path where directories likely need to be created for the transfer to succeed. See the notes for more information about this variable.

$OFLAG     a character letter describing the file open processing flags:

                     w – O_WRONLY | O_RDWR                      r – O_RDONLY

$PRTY        request priority.

$RID            request identifier.

$SRC           the source file name. This may be $PFN or $RFN, depending on the transfer direction. It may also be a url for url-based copy commands.

$TID            original requesting client’s trace identification.

$eVar            any variable that has been passed along with the file name as          opaque information (i.e., contained in $CGI).


frm.xfr.copymax cmax                                                                                                              

cmax specifies the maximum number of files that may be transferred at the same time. The default is 2.


frm.xfr.copymax split inmax outmax                                                                                      

inmax specifies the maximum number of files that may be transferred to the server due to get or stage requests at the same time. outmax specifies the maximum number of files that may be transferred from the server due to put or migration requests at the same time. The total numbers of simultaneous transfers is inmax+outmax.



frm.xfr.qcheck [qsec] [qpath]

specifies the queue check interval and/or the queue path. Specify qsec or qpath, or both, as follows:

qsec      specifies how often the transfer queues are to be checked for new additions. Normally, xfr_xfrd is notified when an addition is made and immediately checks the appropriate queue. A manual check is periodically made in case a notification is lost. The qsec may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 5 minutes.

qpath   specifies the absolute location where the queue files are to be written. The specified path is not augmented by the instance name. This allows you to share a single instance of frm_xfrd with multiple clusters running on the same host. By default, the queue files are written using the adminpath location.


frm.xfr.migr.idlehold isec  

isec specifies the number of seconds a file must be idle before it is eligible for automatic migration to a Mass Storage System. This is part of automatic migration which is enabled when migratable paths have been defined via the all.export directive. The isec may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 10 minutes. See the usage notes before changing the default.


frm.xfr.migr.waittime wsec                                                                                                      

wsec specifies the number of seconds to wait between scans of the name space to find files eligible for migration to a Mass Storage System. This is part of automatic migration which is enabled when migratable paths have been defined via the all.export directive. The wsec may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 60 minutes. See the usage notes before changing the default.




1)      You must use the frm_xfragent command to communicate with frm_xfrd. The xfr_agent command is responsible for adding, removing, and listing transfer requests queued to frm_xfrd (see the next section).

2)      You can have up to four different copy commands:


non-url copy command

url based copy command







3)      The copy command must indicate success or failure by its return code:








Copy succeeded


file not found


I/O error


fatal error





4)      r.migr.idlehold value sets the minimum amount of time that a file must remain unmodified before it can be migrated. This minimizes migrations that need to be restarted should the file change. Smaller values increase the chance a file migration will have to be redone.

5)      The frm.xfr.migr.waittime value sets the maximum amount of time between full name space scans. Full name space scans are disk I/O intensive and should be minimized. Since scans more often than the frm.xfr.migr.idlehold value can’t produce new files to migrate, the minimum is automatically capped at the idlehold value.

6)      When copymax without split is specified, the queue is alternately search for incoming copies and outgoing copies. When a choice exists in one of those selections (e.g. incoming copies due to get vs. stage requests) the oldest request is chosen. This allows fair starvation free scheduling.

7)      When copymax with split is specified, inmax plus outmax threads are created.  The inmax threads get requests from incoming while the outmax threads get requests from the outgoing queue.  When a choice exists in one of those selections (e.g. incoming copies due to get vs. stage requests) the oldest request is chosen. This allows fair starvation free scheduling. Be aware that threads can become idle if they do not have enough work in the queue assigned to them even though the alternate queue is has more than enough work to satisfy all the threads.


8)      Using the $MDP variable causes frm_xfrd to keep track of successful outgoing transfers by destination. When a transfer succeeds, the destination path is recorded under the presumption that the transfer command created the path at the destination. Subsequent transfers using the path (or some part of it) are told which portion of the path should already exist at the destination by having $MDP provide the offset into the destination path of where the first unseen directory occurs. If all directories should have been created the $MDP offset refers to the slash just before the file name.

9)      The oss component in XRootD provides an automatic staging facility where missing files on local disk can be automatically fetched from a remote location. This is done using the oss.remoteroot and oss.stagecmd directives along with the stage option on the all.export directive. Refer to the ofs/oss reference for more information.

10)  The frm_xfrd creates queue files that describe pending requests in the same partition as the adminpath. If you need to place these files in a larger partition or, perhaps, in a more reliable partition, use a symbolic link at the “Queues” directory (see the next section) to point to where the queue files are to be placed. Alternatively, specify the path using the qcheck directive. Be aware that this directive allows all clusters running on the same machine to use the same queue file and consequently the same frm_xfrd.

11)  If the copycmd causes data to flow back through the initiating XRootD, you should specify the noalloc option to prevent frm_xfrd from interfering with the XRootD in terms of file creation.

12)  Monitoring records are created when migr (outgoing data) or stage (incoming data) is specified on the xrootd.monitor directive. The xpd option of the copycmd allows you to include additional information from the copy command, typically a script wrapper. When xpd is specified, the first line of output (i.e. the first line ending with a new line character, ‘\n’, or physically the only line) is added after the ‘pd=’ tag in the record. The data in the line should adhere to standard CGI syntax to allow for uniform processing.


4.2.1        Directives used but documented in the “ofs/oss Reference”


ofs.osslib libpath [ parms ]                                                                                                         

libpath is the absolute path to the shared library that contains the implementation of the storage system interface that frm_xfrd is to use for file system specific storage operations (e.g., create, rename, etc). The default is to use a built-in mechanism that is identical to what XRootD uses by default.


oss.localroot lpath                                                                                                                      

lpath is the path that must prefix any logical file name before using it as a local physical file name (i.e. to map lfn to local pfn). By default, no prefix is used. Also see the oss.namelib directive.


oss.namelib npath [ parms ]

npath is the absolute path to the shared library that contains the implementation of the name-to-name translation interface that frm_xfrd is to use to convert logical file names to local and remote physical file names. The default is to use a built-in mechanism that relies on the oss.localroot and oss.remoteroot directives.


oss.rmoteroot rpath

rpath is the path that must prefix any logical file name before using it as a remote physical file name (i.e. to map lfn to Mass Storage System pfn). By default, no prefix is used. Also see the oss.namelib directive.


oss.xfr deny dt         

dt specifies how long a “.fail” file may block a transfer. When a transfer fails file fn, a “” file is created. The presence of this file prevents additional transfer to be attempted for the file. After dt seconds have elapsed, the fail no longer prevents a transfer attempt. The dt may be suffixed by h, m, or s to indicate hours, minutes, or seconds (the default), respectively. The default is 3 hours.

4.2.2        Directives used but documented in the “xrd/xrootd Reference”


all.adminpath apath                                                                                                                  

apath is the fully qualified administrative base path where various directories and special files may be created to control execution. The default is “/tmp”. The –n option augments the base path.


all.pidpath apath                                                                                                                       

ppath is the fully qualified base path where the file is to be written. The default is “/tmp”. The –n option augments the base path.


xrootd.monitor dest stage host:port                                                                                        

host:port is the logging destination for statistics about incoming transfers. By default, incoming transfers are not externally logged.


4.3       Created Files


The following files are created by the frm_xfrd:




Modified by




adminpath or qcheck and –n option

Cluster ID checkpoint file.



adminpath or qcheck and –n option

Local frm_xfrd execution lock.


UDP Socket

adminpath or qcheck and –n option

Local frm_xfrd event notifications



pidpath and

–n option

Holds the process id of the associated frm_xfrd server



adminpath or qcheck and –n option

Holds queue files and lock files for maintain queued requests.



pidpath and

–n option

Holds the process id and the local path prefix (i.e., localroot) for a supervisor cmsd.



–n option

Core file via default in



-l option and

–n option

Log file via default in


The adminpath directive specifies the directory where the remaining files are written. For certain files, the frm.xfr.qcheck directive overrides the adminpath directive. The -n option specifies the frm_xfrd instance name. If specified, the instance name is automatically suffixed to the adminpath or /tmp, as shown by “[name/].” The path is not augmented if it was specified via the frm.xfr.qcheck directive. A directory is also create in the current working directory for core files and the log file destination is modified by inserting “[name/].” in the destination specified by the –l option. If necessary, the directory is created.


The “Queues” directory contains numerous files that track pending requests. The files in this directory are also modified by frm_xfragent.

4.4       Logged Transfer Statistics


When the copycmd directive specifies stats, transfer statistics are written to the log whenever the command successfully transfers a file. The preferred alternative to getting this information is to use the frm.all.monitor directive. This mechanism provides a comprehensive way to collect transfer statistics. The format is:



yymmdd hh:mm:ss tnum cpy: fsz qt: qsec xt: xsec up: usr lfn





yymmdd hh:mm:ss

            year, month, day, hour (24-hour time), minute, second the transfer completed.


tnum   thread number used in the transfer.


cpy      the token Got: for and incoming and Put: for an outgoing transfer.


fsz        the size of the file in bytes.


qsec      the number of seconds the transfer waited to start (i.e., queue time).


xsec     the number of seconds the transfer command actually ran (i.e., transfer time).


usr       the identity of the client that requested the transfer.


lfn        the transfer source or target logical file name.


4.5       Temporarily Stopping frm_xfrd


Each time frm_xfrd is about to schedule a transfer operation, it check whether a stopfile exists indicating that either an incoming or outgoing transfers are not allowed.  These stopfiles are:














apath   comes from the all.adminpath directive or its default.


name    comes from the –n command line option and is empty if not specified.


The presence of each file stops a particular type of transfer stream, as follows:

·         STOPCOPYIN file suspends new incoming url-based transfers,

·         STOPCOPYOUT suspends new outgoing url-based transfers,

·         STOPMIGR file suspends new outgoing non-url transfers, and

·         STOPSTAGE suspends new incoming non-url transfers.


In-progress transfers are allowed to complete.


4.6       The frm_xfrd Notification Messages


When frm_xfrd is asked to send a notification it uses one or two message formats as shown in each diagram below.



Successful:            optype OK lfn

Unsuccessful         optype {ENOENT | BAD} lfn [ emsg ]


optype:     get | migr | put | stage


Notification: file:////path




optype  is the name of the completed operation.


lfn        logical filename of the file that was the source or target of the operation.



staging failed because the file could not be found.


BAD   staging failed for other reasons (see emsg).


emsg    an optional error message describing the nature of the failure.


Successful:                  ready requestid msg lfn


Unsuccessful:              unprep requestid msg lfn

Notification: udp://rhost:port/msg





the requestid associate with the staging request.


msg      the message, if any, present in the notification string.


lfn        the logical filename of the file that successfully staged in or whose staging failed.

5         The frm_xfragent Command Interface To frm_xfrd



frm_xfragent [ options ]


options: [-c cfn] [-d] [-k {num | sz{k|m|g} | sig}]


        [-l [=]logfn] [-n name] [-z]


sig:    fifo|hup|rtmin|rtmin+1|rtmin+2|ttou|winch|xfsz




Add, delete, and list entries in the frm_xfrd request queue.




-c configfn

The configuration file name. The default name for the configuration file comes from the environmental variable XRDCONFIGFN, if set[1], otherwise it defaults to /opt/xrootd/etc/”.


-d        Turns on debugging mode. Additional information is printed to describe various actions.


-k num | sz{k|m|g} | sig

Keep no more than num old log files. If sz is specified, the number of log files kept (excluding the current log file) is trimmed to not exceed sz bytes. The sz must be suffixed by k, m, or g to indicate kilobytes, megabyte, or gigbytes, respectively. If a sig value is specified (i.e. hup etc), then an external program is expected to handle log file rotation (e.g. logrotate). Except for fifo, the argument specifies signal that causes the daemon to close and re-open the log file to allow rotation to occur. When fifo is specified, the daemon waits for data to appear on a fifo whose path is identical to the log file path but whose name is prefixed by a dot. Refer to the notes for manual rotation caveats.



-l [=]logfn       

Routes error messages and any trace output to logfn. By default, messages are directed to standard error unless the environmental viable XRDLOGDIR is set[2], in which case the logfn defaults to “$XRDLOGDIR/frm/xfralog”. Refer to the notes on how logfn is modified by the –n option. When logfn is prefixed by an equals sign, the logfn is not qualified by the instance name, if any. This allows log files to be handled in an arbitrary manual way.


-n name

            Assigns name to the frm_xfragent instance. The default name comes from the environmental variable XRDNAME, if set[3], otherwise frm_xfragent is unnamed. When frm_xfragent is used as a cmsd or xrootd service, you need not specify –n as it defaults to the underlying system’s instance name. See the notes for additional information.


-z         provides microsecond resolution for log file message timestamps.



1)      The frm_xfragent also accepts additional directives from the configuration file, configfn. These directives are described in the following section.

2)      The –n option allows you to run multiple instances of frm_xfragent with a common configuration file. This is possible because the specified name is used to modify various file system paths frm_xfragent uses for output files. By automatically differentiating such paths by instance name prevents two frm_xfragent processes from interfering with each other.

3)      Generally, you will only need to specify –n when you invoke frm_xfragent outside the context of a cmsd or xrootd server. For instance, you may wish to write scripts the use frm_xfragent to extend services outside the cmsd or XRootD context.

4)      The –n option modifies the logfn specified on the command line. Assuming logfn is composed of “/path/fn” and –n name is specified, the log file name becomes “/path/name/fn”.


5)      The frm_xfragent command reads requests from standard input and provides responses via standard out. This is compatible with the requirements of the xrootd’s oss.stagecmd and oss.stagemsg directives and cmsd’s cms.prep and cms.prepmsg directives. These directives allow you to easily use the built-in version of frm_xfragent. Refer to each respective manual for more information.

6)      The frm_xfragent command can also be used with any other program to manage the transfer queue. Refer to the description of frm_xfrd command for more information.

7)      The frm_xfragent command has no specific directive. All the information that it needs is to execute properly is tied to frm_xfrd directives.

8)      The cmsd and xrootd have a built-in frm_xfragent. These daemons do not require that you configure frm_xfragent to use frm_xfrd.

9)      If a log file is specified without a signal -k option, the file is closed at midnight, renamed to have a date suffix (i.e., fn.yyyymmdd) and possible sequence number (i.e. fn.yyyymmdd.n), and a new log file is opened.

10)  When a signal value is specified, log files are not automatically renamed at midnight. Instead an external program must be used to properly rotate log files. Make sure to choose a signal that is not in use by any plug-in. If unsure, choose one of the obscure signal names and monitor for any odd behavior. Otherwise, use the fifo option. Be aware that on some non-Linux platforms the fifo file descriptor may leak.

11)  When fifo is specified the fifo file name must not exists or exist as a fifo file. A simple “echo x >> /path/.lfn” causes the log file to close and reopen.

12)  The sig names, except for fifo, be fully capitalized as well prefixed by “sig” or “SIG” when capitalized.


5.1       The frm_xfragent Requests


The following requests can be directed to frm_xfragent via standard-in:



Add to queue:      aop[traceid] reqid notify prty mode fn


Remove from queue:  dop requestid


List the queue:      ?[qtype] [varnames]


aop:         < | = | > | + | ^ | &


dop:         - | ~


fn:          [prot://dest/]lfn[?cgi]


qtype:       op[qtype]


varnames:    lfn | lfncgi | mode | note | prty | qwt |


             rid | tid | tod | [varnames]



5.1.1        Add to queue



a 1- to- 256 character identifier describing the entity that caused the entry to be added. See the notes for an explanation of the standard traceid format. A generic default is used if traceid is not specified.


op        requests an operation to be performed, as follows :

<    -  copy file lfn from a remote location to local disk.

=    -  copy file lfn to a remote location and then remove it from local disk.

>    -  copy file lfn to a remote location.

+    -  stage file lfn from a remote location to local disk.

^    -  migrate file lfn to a remote location and then remove it from local disk.

&   -  migrate file lfn to a remote location.



a 1- to- 64 character identifier to be used to group this request into a unique set of requests. This means that requestid should be globally unique.



notify   a 1- to- 512 character string describing who should get notified upon completion of the request. Multiple strings, totaling 512 characters, can be specified by separating each but the last one with a carriage return (‘\r’) character. See the section on frm_xfrd messages for the actual message that is sent. The notify format[4] is:

-                                      no notification is to be sent.

file://path                       send a special message via FIFO named path

udp://rhost:port/msg     send msg via udp to rhost:port

udp://path/msg             send msg via udp via local Unix path path


prty     the character ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘2’, designating the request’s priority (0 being the lowest). If an invalid priority is specified, ‘0’ is used. See frm_xfrd on how request priorities are used.


mode    The processing mode as a sequence of characters:

r[x]     -  copy-in a file in read-only mode. See below for the x values.

w[x]   -  copy-in a file in read-write mode. See below for the x values.

The r and w functions can be suffixed with additional letters to indicate how errors and successes are to be handled. As shown above, x can be a combination of the following:

f         send notification if the file cannot be copied. This option is

           not affected by the q letter.

s         send notification upon successfully copying the file[5].

q        do not send any notifications associated with this entry. By default,

           only failure notices are sent.


fn         is either a simple logical file name of the file to be copied or a URL describing the copy protocol to be used, the source or destination location, as well as the simple logical file name.


cgi       opaque information to be forwarded to the staging transfer agent, if configured to accept this information (see frm_xfrd’s frm.xfr.copycmd configuration directives). The total amount of information, including the lfn and ‘?’ separator, cannot exceed 2,175 characters.



1)      Currently, there is no function difference between a copy-in and a stage operation. However, future differences may occur so the correct operation code should be used when adding a file to the queue.

Copy-out operations are done without additional checks other than whether the files changed during the copy operation. Migration operations checks require the file not be modified for a certain period of time and not have


5.1.2        Remove from queue


dop      applies the removal either to the a particular queue, as follows:

-   -  removes requestid from the stage-in and copy-in queues.

~   -  removes requestid from the migrate and copy-out queues.



            a 1- to- 64 character identifier to be used to identify the requests that are to be removed. All pending requests associated with this identifier are removed. Requests already in progress remain are allowed to complete even though they are no longer in the queue.


5.1.3        List the queue


qtype    by default, the stage-in and copy-in queues are listed. Otherwise, qtype lists the particular queues corresponding to the description associated with op.



is an optional list of variable names, as described below. Information is listed in the order in which the variables are listed; each separated by a space. The default variable is lfn. Invalid varnames are ignored. Valid variables are:









logical filename


lfn or url


seconds in queue


lfn?[cgi string]


lfncgi or url?[cgi]




processing opts


Operation (e.g., ‘<’)




notification string




time of day



6         The hpsscp Transfer Command



hpsscp [ options ] [user@host:]sfn [user@host:]tfn


options: [-C] [-d] [-f] [-k keytab] [-m] [-N npath] [-n]


        [-o owner] [-p {r|w|mode}] [-P port] [-Q qpath]


        [-t tries] [-W wcmd] [-x pftpcmd] [-z]


owner:  user[:group] | [user]:group


user:   username  | uid


group:  groupname | gid




Copy a file to local disk; typically, from a Mass Storage System.




name of the source file to read. If it is prefixed by “user@host:”, then the file must exist in a pftp accessible Mass Storage system located at host and reachable via login as user. Otherwise, the file whose name is sfn must be present on local disk.



name of the source file to write. If it is prefixed by “user@host:”, then the file is to be written into a pftp accessible remote Mass Storage system located at host and reachable via login as user. Otherwise, the file will be written to local disk using the name tfn.



The name of the file as it should exist on local disk.



-C        continues execution even when a transfer slot (see –Q) cannot be obtained.


-d        Turns on debugging.


-f         over-writes any local file, even if it has zero length. The –f option is the default for zero-length local files. It has no effect on remote files.


-k keytab                                                                                                                                      

specifies the pftp password’s location. The keytab must contain a single password that will be used when logging in as user@host. The default location is “/var/adm/xrootd/pftp/keyfile”.


-m       when tfn is local, verifies that tfn does not exist. Should tfn exist, the command fails with an error message.


-N npath                                                                                                                                      

specifies the location of the local name space directory when hpsscp is to record the directory path used to create a file in hpss. This allows hpsscp to avoid issuing duplicate mkdir requests for any paths that exist in npath. If –N is not specified, this optimization is suppressed.


-n        does not redirect standard error to standard out when invoking the xfrcmd. This is meant purely for debugging purposes.


-o owner

sets the ownership of the file. For non-root processes, the default ownership is uid/gid of the process. For root process, the default ownership is the uid/gid assigned to the file.


-p {r | w |  mode}

sets the permission bits for the target file. ‘r’ implies a mode of 0440, ‘w’  a mode of 0640, and mode is 1- to 4-character octal mode. The default mode is determined by the xfrcmd that is used to transfer the file.


-P port

is the port number to contact when logging in using user@host. The default port number is 2021.



-Q qpath                                                                                                                                       

specifies the location of the execution pacing queue directory. The qpath directory must contain one or more writable zero-length files. Each file represents a transfer queue slots implying that the maximum number of transfers is equal to the number of files in qpath. Simultaneous requests over this limit wait until one of the queue slots frees up (also see –C). The default directory is /var/hpss/xfrq and is used if it exists. Transfer pacing does not apply if the default directory does not exist.


-t tries                                                                                                                                           

The number of times to try a failing copy when the error indicates a transient condition. The default is 2.


-W wcmd                                                                                                                                     

is the program that implements the transfer queue pacing mechanism. The default is “/opt/xrootd/utils/wait41”.


-x xfrcmd                                                                                                                                      

is the pftp command to be used to copy sfn to tfn. The default is to use “/opt/xrootd/utils/pftp_client”.


-z         does not establish a new process group prior to executing the xfrcmd.

6.1       The hpsscp pftp Command Streams


user user pswd

delete mssfn

mkdir dirpath


setpblocksize 2097152

site setcos cos

pput localfn mssfn

site chuid uid mssfn

site chgid gid mssfn


Transfer Command Stream When Sending a File to HPSS



cos            The value specified with the –s command line option.

dirpath     The path segment that needs to exist in order to store the file. There are as many mkdir commands as there are path segments to ensure that the complete target path exists in HPSS.

gid            The gid identified by –o command line option. The ‘site chgid’ command is only present when user if root.

localfn      The name of the file to be placed in HPSS as it is known on local disk.

mssfn       The name of the file as it must be stored in HPSS.

pswd       The password in the file identified by –k command line option.

uid           The uid identified by –o command line option. The ‘site chuid’ command is only present when user if root.

user          The user contained in “user@host:tfn” for the target file.


user xfruser pswd


setpblocksize 2097152

pget  mssfn localfn


Transfer Command Stream When Retrieving a File from HPSS



user          The user contained in “user@host:tfn” for the target file.

keyfn       The password in the file identified by –k command line option.

mssfn       The name of the file as it exists in HPSS.

localfn      The name of the file as it must be created on local disk.

7         Document Change History


14 Jan 2009

·         New Document.


23 Apr 2009

·         Document frm_admin.


19 Nov 2009

·         Document the –o option of frm_xfr.hpss.


15 Dec 2009

·         Document frm_purged.


5 Apr 2010

·         Document frm_xfrd and frm_xfragent.

·         This replaces documentation for frm_pstga and frm_pstgd


12 Apr 2010

·         Document the correct stopfile names.

·         Correct documentation of actual messages sent by frm_xfrd.


14 Apr 2010

·         Better document actual frm_xfragent queue list options.

·         Indicate that frm_xfragent is built into cmsd and xrootd.


21 Apr 2010

·         Remove the frm.xfr.qpath directive and document how to accomplish queue relocation via a symbolic link.

·         Document created files.

·         Note that cmsd and xrootd have a built-in frm_xfragent.

·         Clean-up and reorganization.

·         Replace the failhold directive with the oss.xfr directive as they provide the same information.

6 Jul 2010

·         Add $CID (cluster ID) and $INS (instance name) substitution variables to frm_xfrd.

·         Document that the frm_xfrd transfer queue can be shared by multiple clusters on the same host.

·         Extend the frm.xfr.qcheck directive to allow the specification of an absolute queue path to be able to implement queue sharing.

·         Rename frm_xfr.hpss to be hpsscp to ease deployment in different contexts.

·         Document the –C, –N, –Q, and –W options enabled for hpsscp.


1 Sep 2010

·         Document the new noalloc option for the frm.xfr.copycmd directive.

·         Document the new query xfrq arguments for frm_admin.


7 Oct 2010

·         Document how the STOPURGE file pauses frm_purged.


10 Nov 2010

·         Change documentation to reflect the use of extended attributes instead of met-files to control file residency. Most of these changes apply to the frm_admin command.


1 Feb 2011

·         Minor editorial changes.


8 Mar 2011

·         Document the –b, –p, and –s command line options.


30 May 2011

·         Document the chksum command.


23 Jun 2011

·         Document the frm.all.cnsd directive.


11 Jul 2011

·         Add more descriptive information about purging and staging, especially with respect to federated clusters.


--------------       Release 3.1.0


12 Oct 2011

·         Document the new xpd option on the copycmd directive.


3 Dec 2011

·         Document the new frm.all.monitor directive for frm_purged and frm_xfrd.


--------------       Release 3.1.1


23 Apr 2012

·         Correct description of the –force option on the mark subcommand.


--------------       Release 3.2.0

--------------       Release 3.2.1

--------------       Release 3.2.2

--------------       Release 3.2.3

--------------       Release 3.2.4

--------------       Release 3.2.5

--------------       Release 3.2.5


6 Feb 2013

·         Remove wrong reference to $USER variable.


--------------       Releases 3.3.0 to 3.3.3


13 August 2013

·         Document the extended  –k, –l and –z command line options.

·         Document exported environment variables.

·         Document the environment information file contents.

·         General clean-up and better explanations.


--------------       Releases 3.3.4 to 4.11.3


17 April 2020

·         Correct path names of frm stop files.

·         Document the split parameter of the frm.copymax directive.

·         Remove all mention of the cnsd (cluster namespace daemon) as it is no longer supported.


--------------       Releases 4.12.0 to 4.12.3


23 June 2020

·         Remove references to no longer supported features and directives (e.g. oss.cache, oss.cachescan, and various meta-data files).

·         Remove the now useless makelf subcommand and lockfile option on the find subcommand.


[1] The cmsd and xrootd set this environmental variable if passed the –c command line option.

[2] The cmsd and xrootd set this environmental variable if passed the –l command line option.

[3] The cmsd and xrootd set this environmental variable if passed the –n command line option.

[4] The old mps_prep and mps_PreStage “mailto://” and “tcp://” notify options are not supported.

[5] The letter ‘n’ is a synonym for ‘s’.