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1#ifndef __CRYPTO_SSLAUX_H__
2#define __CRYPTO_SSLAUX_H__
4/* */
5/* X r d C r y p t o S s l A u x . h h */
6/* */
7/* (c) 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
8/* Produced by Gerri Ganis for CERN */
9/* */
10/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
11/* */
12/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
13/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
14/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
15/* option) any later version. */
16/* */
17/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
18/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
19/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
20/* License for more details. */
21/* */
22/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
23/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
24/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
25/* */
26/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
27/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
28/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
31/* ************************************************************************** */
32/* */
33/* OpenSSL utility functions */
34/* */
35/* ************************************************************************** */
40#include <openssl/asn1.h>
42#define kSslKDFunDefLen 24
45class XrdTlsPeerCerts;
48// Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2, specified in PKCS #5
50int XrdCryptosslKDFunLen(); // default buffer length
51int XrdCryptosslKDFun(const char *pass, int plen, const char *salt, int slen,
52 char *key, int len);
54// X509 manipulation: certificate verification
56// chain verification
58// chain export to bucket
60// chain export to file (proxy file creation)
62// export single certificate to file; fname is solely for debug message purposes
63extern "C" int XrdCryptosslX509ToFile(XrdCryptoX509 *x509, FILE *file, const char *fname);
64// certificates from file parsing
65int XrdCryptosslX509ParseFile(const char *fname, XrdCryptoX509Chain *c, const char *fkey = 0);
66// certificates from FILE object; fname is solely for debug message purposes
67extern "C" int XrdCryptosslX509ParseFile(FILE *file, XrdCryptoX509Chain *c, const char *fname, const char *fkey = 0);
68// certificates from bucket parsing
70// certificates from STACK_OF(X509*)
73// Function to convert from ASN1 time format into UTC since Epoch (Jan 1, 1970)
74time_t XrdCryptosslASN1toUTC(const ASN1_TIME *tsn1);
76// Function to convert X509_NAME into a one-line human readable string
77void XrdCryptosslNameOneLine(X509_NAME *nm, XrdOucString &s);
80// X509 proxy auxilliary functions
81// Function to check presence of a proxyCertInfo and retrieve the path length
82// constraint. Written following RFC3820 and examples in openssl-<vers>/crypto
83// source code. Extracts the policy field but ignores it contents.
84bool XrdCryptosslProxyCertInfo(const void *ext, int &pathlen, bool *haspolicy = 0);
85void XrdCryptosslSetPathLenConstraint(void *ext, int pathlen);
86// Create proxy certificates
87int XrdCryptosslX509CreateProxy(const char *, const char *, XrdProxyOpt_t *,
88 XrdCryptogsiX509Chain *, XrdCryptoRSA **, const char *);
89// Create a proxy certificate request
92// Sign a proxy certificate request
95// Check a proxy certificate GSI 3
97// Get VOMS attributes, if any
101/* E r r o r L o g g i n g / T r a c i n g F l a g s */
103#define sslTRACE_ALL 0x0007
104#define sslTRACE_Dump 0x0004
105#define sslTRACE_Debug 0x0002
106#define sslTRACE_Notify 0x0001
109/* E r r o r s i n P r o x y M a n i p u l a t i o n s */
111#define kErrPX_Error 1 // Generic error condition
112#define kErrPX_BadEECfile 2 // Absent or bad EEC cert or key file
113#define kErrPX_BadEECkey 3 // Inconsistent EEC key
114#define kErrPX_ExpiredEEC 4 // EEC is expired
115#define kErrPX_NoResources 5 // Unable to create new objects
116#define kErrPX_SetAttribute 6 // Unable to set a certificate attribute
117#define kErrPX_SetPathDepth 7 // Unable to set path depth
118#define kErrPX_Signing 8 // Problems signing
119#define kErrPX_GenerateKey 9 // Problem generating the RSA key
120#define kErrPX_ProxyFile 10 // Problem creating / updating proxy file
121#define kErrPX_BadNames 11 // Names in certificates are bad
122#define kErrPX_BadSerial 12 // Problems resolving serial number
123#define kErrPX_BadExtension 13 // Problems with the extensions
void XrdCryptosslSetPathLenConstraint(void *ext, int pathlen)
void XrdCryptosslNameOneLine(X509_NAME *nm, XrdOucString &s)
int XrdCryptosslX509CheckProxy3(XrdCryptoX509 *, XrdOucString &)
int XrdCryptosslKDFunLen()
int XrdCryptosslX509ToFile(XrdCryptoX509 *x509, FILE *file, const char *fname)
int XrdCryptosslKDFun(const char *pass, int plen, const char *salt, int slen, char *key, int len)
bool XrdCryptosslX509VerifyCert(XrdCryptoX509 *c, XrdCryptoX509 *r)
int XrdCryptosslX509SignProxyReq(XrdCryptoX509 *, XrdCryptoRSA *, XrdCryptoX509Req *, XrdCryptoX509 **)
bool XrdCryptosslProxyCertInfo(const void *ext, int &pathlen, bool *haspolicy=0)
int XrdCryptosslX509ParseStack(XrdTlsPeerCerts *pc, XrdCryptoX509Chain *chain)
int XrdCryptosslX509ChainToFile(XrdCryptoX509Chain *c, const char *fn)
int XrdCryptosslX509ParseBucket(XrdSutBucket *b, XrdCryptoX509Chain *c)
int XrdCryptosslX509CreateProxyReq(XrdCryptoX509 *, XrdCryptoX509Req **, XrdCryptoRSA **)
int XrdCryptosslX509CreateProxy(const char *, const char *, XrdProxyOpt_t *, XrdCryptogsiX509Chain *, XrdCryptoRSA **, const char *)
time_t XrdCryptosslASN1toUTC(const ASN1_TIME *tsn1)
int XrdCryptosslX509GetVOMSAttr(XrdCryptoX509 *, XrdOucString &)
XrdSutBucket * XrdCryptosslX509ExportChain(XrdCryptoX509Chain *c, bool key=0)
bool XrdCryptosslX509VerifyChain(XrdCryptoX509Chain *chain, int &errcode)
int XrdCryptosslX509ParseFile(const char *fname, XrdCryptoX509Chain *c, const char *fkey=0)
Definition XrdCryptoRSA.hh:51
Definition XrdCryptoX509Chain.hh:80
Definition XrdCryptoX509Req.hh:50
Definition XrdCryptoX509.hh:51
Definition XrdCryptogsiX509Chain.hh:50
Definition XrdOucString.hh:254
Definition XrdSutBucket.hh:44
Definition XrdTlsPeerCerts.hh:35
Definition XrdCryptoFactory.hh:100