No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
3// Author: Michal Simon <michal.simon@cern.ch>
5// This file is part of the XRootD software suite.
7// XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10// (at your option) any later version.
12// XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15// GNU General Public License for more details.
17// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18// along with XRootD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20// In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
21// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
22// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
28#include "XrdCl/XrdClFile.hh"
33#include "XrdZip/XrdZipEOCD.hh"
34#include "XrdZip/XrdZipCDFH.hh"
36#include "XrdZip/XrdZipLFH.hh"
39#include <memory>
40#include <unordered_map>
43// Forward declaration needed for friendship
45namespace XrdEc{ class StrmWriter; class Reader; template<bool> class OpenOnlyImpl; };
46class MicroTest;
47class XrdEcTests;
49namespace XrdCl
51 using namespace XrdZip;
53 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 // ZipArchive provides following functionalities:
55 // - parsing of existing ZIP archive
56 // - reading data from existing ZIP archive
57 // - appending data to existing ZIP archive
58 // - querying stat info and checksum for given file in ZIP archive
59 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 {
62 friend class XrdEc::StrmWriter;
63 friend class XrdEc::Reader;
64 template<bool>
65 friend class XrdEc::OpenOnlyImpl;
66 friend class ::MicroTest;
67 friend class ::XrdEcTests;
69 template<typename RSP>
70 friend XRootDStatus ReadFromImpl( ZipArchive&, const std::string&, uint64_t, uint32_t, void*, ResponseHandler*, uint16_t );
72 public:
73 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
75 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
76 ZipArchive( bool enablePlugIns = true );
78 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
81 virtual ~ZipArchive();
83 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
91 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
92 XRootDStatus OpenArchive( const std::string &url,
93 OpenFlags::Flags flags,
94 ResponseHandler *handler,
95 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
97 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
105 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
106 XRootDStatus OpenFile( const std::string &fn,
108 uint64_t size = 0,
109 uint32_t crc32 = 0 );
111 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
120 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
121 inline
122 XRootDStatus Read( uint64_t offset,
123 uint32_t size,
124 void *buffer,
125 ResponseHandler *handler,
126 uint16_t timeout = 0 )
127 {
128 if( openfn.empty() ) return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp );
129 return ReadFrom( openfn, offset, size, buffer, handler, timeout );
130 }
132 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
141 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
142 inline
143 XRootDStatus PgRead( uint64_t offset,
144 uint32_t size,
145 void *buffer,
146 ResponseHandler *handler,
147 uint16_t timeout = 0 )
148 {
149 if( openfn.empty() ) return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp );
150 return PgReadFrom( openfn, offset, size, buffer, handler, timeout );
151 }
153 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
163 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
164 XRootDStatus ReadFrom( const std::string &fn,
165 uint64_t offset,
166 uint32_t size,
167 void *buffer,
168 ResponseHandler *handler,
169 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
171 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
181 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
182 XRootDStatus PgReadFrom( const std::string &fn,
183 uint64_t offset,
184 uint32_t size,
185 void *buffer,
186 ResponseHandler *handler,
187 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
189 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
197 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
198 inline XRootDStatus Write( uint32_t size,
199 const void *buffer,
200 ResponseHandler *handler,
201 uint16_t timeout = 0 )
202 {
203 if( openstage != Done || openfn.empty() )
204 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp, 0, "Archive not opened." );
206 return WriteImpl( size, buffer, handler, timeout );
207 }
209 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
214 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
215 XRootDStatus UpdateMetadata( uint32_t crc32 );
217 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
227 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
228 XRootDStatus AppendFile( const std::string &fn,
229 uint32_t crc32,
230 uint32_t size,
231 const void *buffer,
232 ResponseHandler *handler,
233 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
235 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
241 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
242 inline XRootDStatus Stat( const std::string &fn, StatInfo *&info )
243 { // make sure archive has been opened and CD has been parsed
244 if( openstage != Done )
246 // make sure the file is part of the archive
247 auto cditr = cdmap.find( fn );
248 if( cditr == cdmap.end() )
250 // create the result
251 info = make_stat( fn );
252 if (info)
253 return XRootDStatus();
254 else // have difficult to access the openned archive.
256 }
258 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
263 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
264 inline XRootDStatus Stat( StatInfo *&info )
265 {
266 if( openfn.empty() )
268 return Stat( openfn, info );
269 }
271 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
277 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
278 inline XRootDStatus GetCRC32( const std::string &fn, uint32_t &cksum )
279 { // make sure archive has been opened and CD has been parsed
280 if( openstage != Done )
282 // make sure the file is part of the archive
283 auto cditr = cdmap.find( fn );
284 if( cditr == cdmap.end() )
286 cksum = cdvec[cditr->second]->ZCRC32;
287 return XRootDStatus();
288 }
290 inline XRootDStatus GetOffset( const std::string &fn, uint64_t &offset){
294 auto cditr = cdmap.find( fn );
295 if( cditr == cdmap.end() )
297 XrdCl::errNotFound, "File not found." );
299 XrdCl::CDFH *cdfh = cdvec[cditr->second].get();
301 // check if the file is compressed, for now we only support uncompressed and inflate/deflate compression
302 if( cdfh->compressionMethod != 0 && cdfh->compressionMethod != Z_DEFLATED )
304 0, "The compression algorithm is not supported!" );
306 // Now the problem is that at the beginning of our
307 // file there is the Local-file-header, which size
308 // is not known because of the variable size 'extra'
309 // field, so we need to know the offset of the next
310 // record and shift it by the file size.
311 // The next record is either the next LFH (next file)
312 // or the start of the Central-directory.
313 uint64_t cdOffset = zip64eocd ? zip64eocd->cdOffset : eocd->cdOffset;
314 uint64_t nextRecordOffset = ( cditr->second + 1 < cdvec.size() ) ?
315 XrdCl::CDFH::GetOffset( *cdvec[cditr->second + 1] ) : cdOffset;
316 uint64_t filesize = cdfh->compressedSize;
317 if( filesize == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() && cdfh->extra )
318 filesize = cdfh->extra->compressedSize;
319 uint16_t descsize = cdfh->HasDataDescriptor() ?
320 XrdCl::DataDescriptor::GetSize( cdfh->IsZIP64() ) : 0;
321 offset = nextRecordOffset - filesize - descsize;
322 return XrdCl::XRootDStatus();
323 }
325 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
327 //
331 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
333 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
335 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
338 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
340 {
341 if( openstage != Done || openfn.empty() )
343 0, "Archive not opened." );
344 openfn.clear();
345 lfh.reset();
346 return XRootDStatus();
347 }
349 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
352 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
355 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
357 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
358 inline bool IsOpen()
359 {
360 return openstage == Done;
361 }
363 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 inline bool IsSecure()
367 {
368 return archive.IsSecure();
369 }
371 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
373 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
374 inline bool SetProperty( const std::string &name, const std::string &value )
375 {
376 return archive.SetProperty( name, value );
377 }
379 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
381 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
382 inline bool GetProperty( const std::string &name, std::string &value )
383 {
384 return archive.GetProperty( name, value );
385 }
387 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
389 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
390 inline File& GetFile()
391 {
392 return archive;
393 }
395 private:
397 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
405 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
406 XRootDStatus WriteImpl( uint32_t size,
407 const void *buffer,
408 ResponseHandler *handler,
409 uint16_t timeout );
411 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
419 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
420 XRootDStatus OpenOnly( const std::string &url,
421 bool update,
422 ResponseHandler *handler,
423 uint16_t timeout = 0 );
425 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
429 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
432 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
436 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
437 void SetCD( const buffer_t &buffer );
439 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
444 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
445 template<typename Response>
446 inline static AnyObject* PkgRsp( Response *rsp )
447 {
448 if( !rsp ) return nullptr;
449 AnyObject *pkg = new AnyObject();
450 pkg->Set( rsp );
451 return pkg;
452 }
454 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
456 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
457 template<typename Response>
458 inline static void Free( XRootDStatus *st, Response *rsp )
459 {
460 delete st;
461 delete rsp;
462 }
464 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
471 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
472 template<typename Response>
473 inline static void Schedule( ResponseHandler *handler, XRootDStatus *st, Response *rsp = nullptr )
474 {
475 if( !handler ) return Free( st, rsp );
476 ResponseJob *job = new ResponseJob( handler, st, PkgRsp( rsp ), 0 );
478 }
480 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
486 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
487 inline static StatInfo* make_stat( const StatInfo &starch, uint64_t size )
488 {
489 StatInfo *info = new StatInfo( starch );
490 uint32_t flags = info->GetFlags();
491 info->SetFlags( flags & ( ~StatInfo::IsWritable ) ); // make sure it is not listed as writable
492 info->SetSize( size );
493 return info;
494 }
496 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
501 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
502 inline StatInfo* make_stat( const std::string &fn )
503 {
504 StatInfo *infoptr = 0;
505 XRootDStatus st = archive.Stat( false, infoptr );
506 if (!st.IsOK()) return nullptr;
507 std::unique_ptr<StatInfo> stinfo( infoptr );
508 auto itr = cdmap.find( fn );
509 if( itr == cdmap.end() ) return nullptr;
510 size_t index = itr->second;
511 uint64_t uncompressedSize = cdvec[index]->uncompressedSize;
512 if( cdvec[index]->extra && uncompressedSize == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() )
513 uncompressedSize = cdvec[index]->extra->uncompressedSize;
514 return make_stat( *stinfo, uncompressedSize );
515 }
517 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
519 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
520 inline static XRootDStatus* make_status( const XRootDStatus &status = XRootDStatus() )
521 {
522 return new XRootDStatus( status );
523 }
525 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
527 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
528 inline void Clear()
529 {
530 buffer.reset();
531 eocd.reset();
532 cdvec.clear();
533 cdmap.clear();
534 zip64eocd.reset();
535 openstage = None;
536 }
538 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
540 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
542 {
543 None = 0, //< opening/parsing not started
544 HaveEocdBlk, //< we have the End of Central Directory record
545 HaveZip64EocdlBlk, //< we have the ZIP64 End of Central Directory locator record
546 HaveZip64EocdBlk, //< we have the ZIP64 End of Central Directory record
547 HaveCdRecords, //< we have Central Directory records
548 Done, //< we are done parsing the Central Directory
549 Error, //< opening/parsing failed
550 NotParsed //< the ZIP archive has been opened but Central Directory is not parsed
551 };
553 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
555 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
556 struct NewFile
557 {
558 NewFile( uint64_t offset, std::unique_ptr<LFH> lfh ) : offset( offset ),
559 lfh( std::move( lfh ) ),
560 overwrt( false )
561 {
562 }
564 NewFile( NewFile && nf ) : offset( nf.offset ),
565 lfh( std::move( nf.lfh ) ),
566 overwrt( nf.overwrt )
567 {
568 }
570 uint64_t offset; // the offset of the LFH of the file
571 std::unique_ptr<LFH> lfh; // LFH of the file
572 bool overwrt; // if true the LFH needs to be overwritten on close
573 };
575 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
577 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
578 typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, ZipCache> zipcache_t;
579 typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, NewFile> new_files_t;
581 File archive; //> File object for handling the ZIP archive
582 uint64_t archsize; //> size of the ZIP archive
583 bool cdexists; //> true if Central Directory exists, false otherwise
584 bool updated; //> true if the ZIP archive has been updated, false otherwise
585 std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer; //> buffer for keeping the data to be parsed or raw data
586 std::unique_ptr<EOCD> eocd; //> End of Central Directory record
587 cdvec_t cdvec; //> vector of Central Directory File Headers
588 cdmap_t cdmap; //> mapping of file name to CDFH index
589 uint64_t cdoff; //> Central Directory offset
590 uint32_t orgcdsz; //> original CD size
591 uint32_t orgcdcnt; //> original number CDFH records
592 buffer_t orgcdbuf; //> buffer with the original CDFH records
593 std::unique_ptr<ZIP64_EOCD> zip64eocd; //> ZIP64 End of Central Directory record
594 OpenStages openstage; //> stage of opening / parsing a ZIP archive
595 std::string openfn; //> file name of opened file
596 zipcache_t zipcache; //> cache for inflating compressed data
597 std::unique_ptr<LFH> lfh; //> Local File Header record for the newly appended file
598 bool ckpinit; //> a flag indicating whether a checkpoint has been initialized
599 new_files_t newfiles; //> all newly appended files
600 };
602} /* namespace XrdZip */
Definition XrdClAnyObject.hh:33
void Set(Type object, bool own=true)
Definition XrdClAnyObject.hh:59
static PostMaster * GetPostMaster()
Get default post master.
Directory list.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:650
A file.
Definition XrdClFile.hh:46
bool IsSecure() const
Check if the file is using an encrypted connection.
bool IsOpen() const
Check if the file is open.
bool GetProperty(const std::string &name, std::string &value) const
XRootDStatus Stat(bool force, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0) XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
bool SetProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
void QueueJob(Job *job, void *arg=0)
Add a job to be run.
Definition XrdClJobManager.hh:92
JobManager * GetJobManager()
Get the job manager object user by the post master.
Handle an async response.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:1126
Call the user callback.
Definition XrdClResponseJob.hh:31
Object stat info.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:400
@ IsWritable
Write access is allowed.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:414
uint32_t GetFlags() const
Get flags.
void SetSize(uint64_t size)
Set size.
void SetFlags(uint32_t flags)
Set flags.
Write operation (.
Definition XrdClFileOperations.hh:546
Request status.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:219
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:61
Stages of opening and parsing a ZIP archive.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:542
@ None
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:543
@ HaveCdRecords
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:547
@ HaveZip64EocdlBlk
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:545
@ Done
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:548
@ NotParsed
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:550
@ HaveEocdBlk
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:544
@ HaveZip64EocdBlk
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:546
@ Error
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:549
XRootDStatus ReadFrom(const std::string &fn, uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
buffer_t orgcdbuf
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:592
XRootDStatus PgRead(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:143
bool IsSecure()
Check if the underlying file is using an encrypted connection.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:366
bool cdexists
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:583
XRootDStatus Stat(const std::string &fn, StatInfo *&info)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:242
XRootDStatus Write(uint32_t size, const void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:198
XRootDStatus UpdateMetadata(uint32_t crc32)
uint64_t archsize
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:582
bool GetProperty(const std::string &name, std::string &value)
Get property on the underlying File object.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:382
XRootDStatus WriteImpl(uint32_t size, const void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
static void Schedule(ResponseHandler *handler, XRootDStatus *st, Response *rsp=nullptr)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:473
std::unique_ptr< char[]> buffer
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:585
static StatInfo * make_stat(const StatInfo &starch, uint64_t size)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:487
XRootDStatus OpenArchive(const std::string &url, OpenFlags::Flags flags, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
XRootDStatus OpenOnly(const std::string &url, bool update, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
StatInfo * make_stat(const std::string &fn)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:502
XRootDStatus List(DirectoryList *&list)
bool ckpinit
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:598
XRootDStatus AppendFile(const std::string &fn, uint32_t crc32, uint32_t size, const void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
bool SetProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Set property on the underlying File object.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:374
new_files_t newfiles
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:599
std::unique_ptr< LFH > lfh
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:597
XRootDStatus Stat(StatInfo *&info)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:264
void Clear()
Clear internal ZipArchive objects.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:528
cdvec_t cdvec
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:587
uint32_t orgcdsz
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:590
OpenStages openstage
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:594
zipcache_t zipcache
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:596
XRootDStatus CloseArchive(ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Create the central directory at the end of ZIP archive and close it.
std::unique_ptr< EOCD > eocd
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:586
std::unordered_map< std::string, NewFile > new_files_t
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:579
bool IsOpen()
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:358
XRootDStatus GetOffset(const std::string &fn, uint64_t &offset)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:290
XRootDStatus PgReadFrom(const std::string &fn, uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
virtual ~ZipArchive()
XRootDStatus CloseFile()
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:339
File archive
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:581
friend XRootDStatus ReadFromImpl(ZipArchive &, const std::string &, uint64_t, uint32_t, void *, ResponseHandler *, uint16_t)
uint32_t orgcdcnt
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:591
std::unique_ptr< ZIP64_EOCD > zip64eocd
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:593
std::unordered_map< std::string, ZipCache > zipcache_t
Type that maps file name to its cache.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:578
bool updated
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:584
XRootDStatus GetCRC32(const std::string &fn, uint32_t &cksum)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:278
ZipArchive(bool enablePlugIns=true)
buffer_t GetCD()
cdmap_t cdmap
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:588
XRootDStatus OpenFile(const std::string &fn, OpenFlags::Flags flags=OpenFlags::None, uint64_t size=0, uint32_t crc32=0)
XRootDStatus Read(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:122
std::string openfn
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:595
static AnyObject * PkgRsp(Response *rsp)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:446
uint64_t cdoff
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:589
static void Free(XRootDStatus *st, Response *rsp)
Free status and response.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:458
void SetCD(const buffer_t &buffer)
File & GetFile()
Get the underlying File object.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:390
static XRootDStatus * make_status(const XRootDStatus &status=XRootDStatus())
Allocate new XRootDStatus object.
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:520
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:45
Definition XrdEcReader.hh:59
Definition XrdEcStrmWriter.hh:53
Definition XrdClAction.hh:34
const uint16_t stError
An error occurred that could potentially be retried.
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:32
const uint16_t errNotFound
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:100
const uint16_t errInvalidOp
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:51
const uint16_t errNotSupported
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:62
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:45
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:42
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< CDFH > > cdvec_t
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:51
std::vector< char > buffer_t
Definition XrdZipUtils.hh:56
std::unordered_map< std::string, size_t > cdmap_t
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:56
Definition XrdOucJson.hh:4517
none object for initializing empty Optional
Definition XrdClOptional.hh:35
Open flags, may be or'd when appropriate.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:76
@ None
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:77
bool IsOK() const
We're fine.
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:124
LFH of a newly appended file (in case it needs to be overwritten)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:557
uint64_t offset
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:570
bool overwrt
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:572
NewFile(NewFile &&nf)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:564
std::unique_ptr< LFH > lfh
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:571
NewFile(uint64_t offset, std::unique_ptr< LFH > lfh)
Definition XrdClZipArchive.hh:558
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:67
std::unique_ptr< Extra > extra
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:345
uint16_t compressionMethod
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:332
bool HasDataDescriptor()
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:324
uint32_t compressedSize
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:335
bool IsZIP64() const
Definition XrdZipCDFH.hh:316