No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * XrdClEcHandler.hh
3 *
4 * Created on: 23 Mar 2021
5 * Author: simonm
6 */
12#include "XrdCl/XrdClUtils.hh"
16#include "XrdEc/XrdEcReader.hh"
19#include "XrdOuc/XrdOucCRC.hh"
22#include <memory>
23#include <iostream>
24#include <chrono>
25#include <algorithm>
26#include <mutex>
28namespace XrdCl
30 class FreeSpace {
31 public:
32 std::string address;
33 uint64_t freeSpace;
35 bool operator<(const FreeSpace &a) const
36 {
37 return ((freeSpace > a.freeSpace) ? true : false);
38 }
39 void Dump() const
40 {
41 std::cout << address << " : " << freeSpace << std::endl;
42 }
43 };
46 public:
49 // From the old location list, select a new location list
50 // n: select at least "n" nodes in the new location list
52 XrdCl::LocationInfo &newList,
53 uint32_t n);
54 void Dump();
55 private:
56 std::vector<FreeSpace> ServerList;
57 std::vector<std::string> ExportPaths;
58 time_t lastUpdateT = 0;
59 int xRatio = 10;
60 std::mutex lock;
61 bool initExportPaths = false;
64 uint64_t GetFreeSpace(const std::string addr);
69 };
72 {
73 private:
75 public:
76 // constructor
79 // Response Handler
81 AnyObject *rdresp)
82 {
83 if( !status->IsOK() )
84 {
85 realHandler->HandleResponse( status, rdresp );
86 delete this;
87 return;
88 }
90 ChunkInfo *chunk = 0;
91 rdresp->Get(chunk);
93 std::vector<uint32_t> cksums;
94 size_t nbpages = chunk->length / XrdSys::PageSize;
95 if( chunk->length % XrdSys::PageSize )
96 ++nbpages;
97 cksums.reserve( nbpages );
99 size_t size = chunk->length;
100 char *buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>( chunk->buffer );
102 for( size_t pg = 0; pg < nbpages; ++pg )
103 {
104 size_t pgsize = XrdSys::PageSize;
105 if( pgsize > size ) pgsize = size;
106 uint32_t crcval = XrdOucCRC::Calc32C( buffer, pgsize );
107 cksums.push_back( crcval );
108 buffer += pgsize;
109 size -= pgsize;
110 }
112 PageInfo *pages = new PageInfo(chunk->offset, chunk->length, chunk->buffer, std::move(cksums));
113 delete rdresp;
114 AnyObject *response = new AnyObject();
115 response->Set( pages );
116 realHandler->HandleResponse( status, response );
118 delete this;
119 }
120 };
122 class EcHandler : public FilePlugIn
123 {
124 public:
127 std::unique_ptr<CheckSumHelper> cksHelper ) : redir( redir ),
128 fs( redir, false ),
129 objcfg( objcfg ),
130 curroff( 0 ),
131 cksHelper( std::move( cksHelper ) )
132 {
134 }
136 virtual ~EcHandler()
137 {
138 }
140 XRootDStatus Open( uint16_t flags,
141 ResponseHandler *handler,
142 uint16_t timeout )
143 {
144 if( ( flags & OpenFlags::Write ) || ( flags & OpenFlags::Update ) )
145 {
146 if( !( flags & OpenFlags::New ) || // it has to be a new file
147 ( flags & OpenFlags::Delete ) || // truncation is not supported
148 ( flags & OpenFlags::Read ) ) // write + read is not supported
151 if( objcfg->plgr.empty() )
152 {
154 if( !st.IsOK() ) return st;
155 }
156 writer.reset( new XrdEc::StrmWriter( *objcfg ) );
157 writer->Open( handler, timeout );
158 return XRootDStatus();
159 }
161 if( flags & OpenFlags::Read )
162 {
163 if( flags & OpenFlags::Write )
166 if( objcfg->plgr.empty() )
167 {
169 if( !st.IsOK() ) return st;
170 }
171 reader.reset( new XrdEc::Reader( *objcfg ) );
172 reader->Open( handler, timeout );
173 return XRootDStatus();
174 }
177 }
179 XRootDStatus Open( const std::string &url,
180 OpenFlags::Flags flags,
181 Access::Mode mode,
182 ResponseHandler *handler,
183 uint16_t timeout )
184 {
185 (void)url; (void)mode;
186 return Open( flags, handler, timeout );
187 }
190 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 uint16_t timeout )
195 {
196 if( writer )
197 {
198 writer->Close( ResponseHandler::Wrap( [this, handler]( XRootDStatus *st, AnyObject *rsp )
199 {
200 writer.reset();
201 if( st->IsOK() && bool( cksHelper ) )
202 {
203 std::string commit = redir.GetPath()
204 + "?xrdec.objid=" + objcfg->obj
205 + "&xrdec.close=true&xrdec.size=" + std::to_string( curroff );
206 if( cksHelper )
207 {
208 std::string ckstype = cksHelper->GetType();
209 std::string cksval;
210 auto st = cksHelper->GetCheckSum( cksval, ckstype );
211 if( !st.IsOK() )
212 {
213 handler->HandleResponse( new XRootDStatus( st ), nullptr );
214 return;
215 }
216 commit += "&xrdec.cksum=" + cksval;
217 }
218 Buffer arg; arg.FromString( commit );
219 auto st = fs.Query( QueryCode::OpaqueFile, arg, handler );
220 if( !st.IsOK() ) handler->HandleResponse( new XRootDStatus( st ), nullptr );
221 return;
222 }
223 handler->HandleResponse( st, rsp );
224 } ), timeout );
225 return XRootDStatus();
226 }
228 if( reader )
229 {
230 reader->Close( ResponseHandler::Wrap( [this, handler]( XRootDStatus *st, AnyObject *rsp )
231 {
232 reader.reset();
233 handler->HandleResponse( st, rsp );
234 } ), timeout );
235 return XRootDStatus();
236 }
238 return XRootDStatus( stError, errNotSupported );
239 }
241 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 XRootDStatus Stat( bool force,
245 ResponseHandler *handler,
246 uint16_t timeout )
247 {
249 if( !objcfg->nomtfile )
250 return fs.Stat( redir.GetPath(), handler, timeout );
252 if( !force && statcache )
253 {
254 auto rsp = StatRsp( statcache->GetSize() );
255 Schedule( handler, rsp );
256 return XRootDStatus();
257 }
259 if( writer )
260 {
261 statcache.reset( new StatInfo() );
262 statcache->SetSize( writer->GetSize() );
263 auto rsp = StatRsp( statcache->GetSize() );
264 Schedule( handler, rsp );
265 return XRootDStatus();
266 }
268 if( reader )
269 {
270 statcache.reset( new StatInfo() );
271 statcache->SetSize( reader->GetSize() );
272 auto rsp = StatRsp( statcache->GetSize() );
273 Schedule( handler, rsp );
274 return XRootDStatus();
275 }
277 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp, 0, "File not open." );
278 }
280 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 XRootDStatus Read( uint64_t offset,
284 uint32_t size,
285 void *buffer,
286 ResponseHandler *handler,
287 uint16_t timeout )
288 {
289 if( !reader ) return XRootDStatus( stError, errInternal );
291 reader->Read( offset, size, buffer, handler, timeout );
292 return XRootDStatus();
293 }
295 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 XRootDStatus PgRead(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer,
299 ResponseHandler *handler,
300 uint16_t timeout)
301 {
302 ResponseHandler *substitHandler = new EcPgReadResponseHandler( handler );
303 XRootDStatus st = Read(offset, size, buffer, substitHandler, timeout);
304 return st;
305 }
308 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 XRootDStatus Write( uint64_t offset,
312 uint32_t size,
313 const void *buffer,
314 ResponseHandler *handler,
315 uint16_t timeout )
316 {
317 if( cksHelper )
318 cksHelper->Update( buffer, size );
320 if( !writer ) return XRootDStatus( stError, errInternal );
321 if( offset != curroff ) return XRootDStatus( stError, errNotSupported );
322 writer->Write( size, buffer, handler );
323 curroff += size;
324 return XRootDStatus();
325 }
327 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 XRootDStatus PgWrite( uint64_t offset,
331 uint32_t size,
332 const void *buffer,
333 std::vector<uint32_t> &cksums,
334 ResponseHandler *handler,
335 uint16_t timeout = 0 )
336 {
337 if(! cksums.empty() )
338 {
339 const char *data = static_cast<const char*>( buffer );
340 std::vector<uint32_t> local_cksums;
341 XrdOucPgrwUtils::csCalc( data, offset, size, local_cksums );
342 if (data) delete data;
343 if (local_cksums != cksums)
344 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidArgs, 0, "data and crc32c digests do not match." );
345 }
346 return Write(offset, size, buffer, handler, timeout);
347 }
349 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 bool IsOpen() const
353 {
354 return writer || reader;
355 }
357 private:
360 {
361 LocationInfo *infoAll = nullptr;
362 XRootDStatus st = fs.DeepLocate( "*", OpenFlags::None, infoAll );
363 std::unique_ptr<LocationInfo> ptr( infoAll );
364 if( !st.IsOK() ) return st;
366 LocationInfo *info = new LocationInfo();
367 std::unique_ptr<LocationInfo> ptr1( info );
369 static ServerSpaceInfo ssi;
370 ssi.SelectLocations(*infoAll, *info, objcfg->nbchunks);
372 if( info->GetSize() < objcfg->nbchunks )
373 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp, 0, "Too few data servers." );
374 unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
375 shuffle (info->Begin(), info->End(), std::default_random_engine(seed));
376 for( size_t i = 0; i < objcfg->nbchunks; ++i )
377 {
378 auto &location = info->At( i );
379 objcfg->plgr.emplace_back( "root://" + location.GetAddress() + '/' );
380 }
381 return XRootDStatus();
382 }
384 inline XRootDStatus LoadPlacement( const std::string &path )
385 {
386 LocationInfo *info = nullptr;
387 XRootDStatus st = fs.DeepLocate( "*", OpenFlags::None, info );
388 std::unique_ptr<LocationInfo> ptr( info );
389 if( !st.IsOK() ) return st;
390 // The following check become meaningless
391 if( info->GetSize() < objcfg->nbdata )
392 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp, 0, "Too few data servers." );
394 uint64_t verNumMax = 0;
395 std::vector<uint64_t> verNums;
396 std::vector<std::string> xattrkeys;
397 std::vector<XrdCl::XAttr> xattrvals;
398 xattrkeys.push_back("xrdec.strpver");
399 for( size_t i = 0; i < info->GetSize(); ++i )
400 {
401 FileSystem *fs_i = new FileSystem(info->At( i ).GetAddress());
402 xattrvals.clear();
403 st = fs_i->GetXAttr(path, xattrkeys, xattrvals, 0);
404 if (st.IsOK() && ! xattrvals[0].value.empty())
405 {
406 std::stringstream sstream(xattrvals[0].value);
407 uint64_t verNum;
408 sstream >> verNum;
409 verNums.push_back(verNum);
410 if (verNum > verNumMax)
411 verNumMax = verNum;
412 }
413 else
414 verNums.push_back(0);
415 delete fs_i;
416 }
418 int n = 0;
419 for( size_t i = 0; i < info->GetSize(); ++i )
420 {
421 if ( verNums.at(i) == 0 || verNums.at(i) != verNumMax )
422 continue;
423 else
424 n++;
425 auto &location = info->At( i );
426 objcfg->plgr.emplace_back( "root://" + location.GetAddress() + '/' );
427 }
428 if (n < objcfg->nbdata )
429 return XRootDStatus( stError, errInvalidOp, 0, "Too few data servers." );
430 return XRootDStatus();
431 }
433 inline static AnyObject* StatRsp( uint64_t size )
434 {
435 StatInfo *info = new StatInfo();
436 info->SetSize( size );
437 AnyObject *rsp = new AnyObject();
438 rsp->Set( info );
439 return rsp;
440 }
442 inline static void Schedule( ResponseHandler *handler, AnyObject *rsp )
443 {
444 ResponseJob *job = new ResponseJob( handler, new XRootDStatus(), rsp, nullptr );
446 }
450 std::unique_ptr<XrdEc::ObjCfg> objcfg;
451 std::unique_ptr<XrdEc::StrmWriter> writer;
452 std::unique_ptr<XrdEc::Reader> reader;
453 uint64_t curroff;
454 std::unique_ptr<CheckSumHelper> cksHelper;
455 std::unique_ptr<StatInfo> statcache;
457 };
459 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
463 {
464 public:
465 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
467 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 EcPlugInFactory( uint8_t nbdta, uint8_t nbprt, uint64_t chsz,
469 std::vector<std::string> && plgr ) :
470 nbdta( nbdta ), nbprt( nbprt ), chsz( chsz ), plgr( std::move( plgr ) )
471 {
472 }
474 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
476 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 {
479 }
481 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
483 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 virtual FilePlugIn *CreateFile( const std::string &u )
485 {
486 URL url( u );
487 XrdEc::ObjCfg *objcfg = new XrdEc::ObjCfg( url.GetPath(), nbdta, nbprt,
488 chsz, false, true );
489 objcfg->plgr = std::move( plgr );
490 return new EcHandler( url, objcfg, nullptr );
491 }
493 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 virtual FileSystemPlugIn *CreateFileSystem( const std::string &url )
497 {
498 return nullptr;
499 }
501 private:
502 uint8_t nbdta;
503 uint8_t nbprt;
504 uint64_t chsz;
505 std::vector<std::string> plgr;
506 };
508 EcHandler* GetEcHandler( const URL &headnode, const URL &redirurl );
510} /* namespace XrdCl */
Definition XrdClAnyObject.hh:33
void Set(Type object, bool own=true)
Definition XrdClAnyObject.hh:59
void Get(Type &object)
Retrieve the object being held.
Definition XrdClAnyObject.hh:78
Binary blob representation.
Definition XrdClBuffer.hh:34
static PostMaster * GetPostMaster()
Get default post master.
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:123
static void Schedule(ResponseHandler *handler, AnyObject *rsp)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:442
std::unique_ptr< XrdEc::Reader > reader
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:452
XRootDStatus LoadPlacement(const std::string &path)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:384
XRootDStatus Close(ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:193
std::unique_ptr< XrdEc::ObjCfg > objcfg
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:450
FileSystem fs
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:449
XRootDStatus PgWrite(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *buffer, std::vector< uint32_t > &cksums, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:330
XRootDStatus Open(const std::string &url, OpenFlags::Flags flags, Access::Mode mode, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:179
XRootDStatus Write(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:311
uint64_t curroff
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:453
XRootDStatus Stat(bool force, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:244
bool IsOpen() const
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:352
static AnyObject * StatRsp(uint64_t size)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:433
XRootDStatus Read(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:283
XRootDStatus PgRead(uint64_t offset, uint32_t size, void *buffer, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:298
URL redir
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:448
std::unique_ptr< XrdEc::StrmWriter > writer
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:451
XRootDStatus Open(uint16_t flags, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:140
std::unique_ptr< StatInfo > statcache
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:455
virtual ~EcHandler()
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:136
EcHandler(const URL &redir, XrdEc::ObjCfg *objcfg, std::unique_ptr< CheckSumHelper > cksHelper)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:125
std::unique_ptr< CheckSumHelper > cksHelper
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:454
XRootDStatus LoadPlacement()
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:359
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:72
EcPgReadResponseHandler(ResponseHandler *a)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:77
XrdCl::ResponseHandler * realHandler
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:74
void HandleResponse(XRootDStatus *status, AnyObject *rdresp)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:80
Plugin factory.
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:463
uint64_t chsz
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:504
EcPlugInFactory(uint8_t nbdta, uint8_t nbprt, uint64_t chsz, std::vector< std::string > &&plgr)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:468
std::vector< std::string > plgr
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:505
uint8_t nbdta
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:502
uint8_t nbprt
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:503
virtual FileSystemPlugIn * CreateFileSystem(const std::string &url)
Create a file system plug-in for the given URL.
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:496
virtual ~EcPlugInFactory()
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:477
virtual FilePlugIn * CreateFile(const std::string &u)
Create a file plug-in for the given URL.
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:484
An interface for file plug-ins.
Definition XrdClPlugInInterface.hh:39
An interface for file plug-ins.
Definition XrdClPlugInInterface.hh:284
Send file/filesystem queries to an XRootD cluster.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:203
XRootDStatus Query(QueryCode::Code queryCode, const Buffer &arg, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0) XRD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
XRootDStatus GetXAttr(const std::string &path, const std::vector< std::string > &attrs, ResponseHandler *handler, uint16_t timeout=0)
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:30
bool operator<(const FreeSpace &a) const
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:35
std::string address
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:32
uint64_t freeSpace
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:33
void Dump() const
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:39
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:34
void QueueJob(Job *job, void *arg=0)
Add a job to be run.
Definition XrdClJobManager.hh:92
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:70
const std::string & GetAddress() const
Get address.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:86
Path location info.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:44
uint32_t GetSize() const
Get number of locations.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:152
Iterator Begin()
Get the location begin iterator.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:168
Location & At(uint32_t index)
Get the location at index.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:160
Iterator End()
Get the location end iterator.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:184
Plugin factory.
Definition XrdClPlugInInterface.hh:549
JobManager * GetJobManager()
Get the job manager object user by the post master.
Handle an async response.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:1126
static ResponseHandler * Wrap(std::function< void(XRootDStatus &, AnyObject &)> func)
virtual void HandleResponse(XRootDStatus *status, AnyObject *response)
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:1155
Call the user callback.
Definition XrdClResponseJob.hh:31
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:45
uint64_t GetFreeSpace(const std::string addr)
void SelectLocations(XrdCl::LocationInfo &oldList, XrdCl::LocationInfo &newList, uint32_t n)
void AddServers(XrdCl::LocationInfo &locInfo)
std::vector< std::string > ExportPaths
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:57
std::mutex lock
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:60
std::vector< FreeSpace > ServerList
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:56
int xRatio
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:59
bool Exists(XrdCl::LocationInfo::Location &loc)
time_t lastUpdateT
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:58
bool initExportPaths
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:61
Definition XrdClEcHandler.hh:48
Object stat info.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:400
void SetSize(uint64_t size)
Set size.
URL representation.
Definition XrdClURL.hh:31
const std::string & GetPath() const
Get the path.
Definition XrdClURL.hh:212
Request status.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:219
bool enable_plugins
Definition XrdEcConfig.hh:77
static Config & Instance()
Singleton access.
Definition XrdEcConfig.hh:46
Definition XrdEcReader.hh:59
Definition XrdEcStrmWriter.hh:53
static uint32_t Calc32C(const void *data, size_t count, uint32_t prevcs=0)
static void csCalc(const char *data, off_t offs, size_t count, uint32_t *csval)
Definition XrdClAction.hh:34
ReadImpl< false > Read(Ctx< File > file, Arg< uint64_t > offset, Arg< uint32_t > size, Arg< void * > buffer, uint16_t timeout=0)
Factory for creating ReadImpl objects.
Definition XrdClFileOperations.hh:273
const uint16_t stError
An error occurred that could potentially be retried.
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:32
const uint16_t errInternal
Internal error.
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:56
const uint16_t errInvalidOp
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:51
EcHandler * GetEcHandler(const URL &headnode, const URL &redirurl)
const uint16_t errInvalidArgs
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:58
WriteImpl< false > Write(Ctx< File > file, Arg< uint64_t > offset, Arg< uint32_t > size, Arg< const void * > buffer, uint16_t timeout=0)
Factory for creating WriteImpl objects.
Definition XrdClFileOperations.hh:591
const uint16_t errNotSupported
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:62
static const int PageSize
Definition XrdSysPageSize.hh:36
Definition XrdOucJson.hh:4517
Access mode.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:122
Describe a data chunk for vector read.
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:917
void * buffer
length of the chunk
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:950
uint32_t length
offset in the file
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:949
uint64_t offset
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:948
Open flags, may be or'd when appropriate.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:76
@ Delete
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:80
@ Read
Open only for reading.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:95
@ New
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:86
@ Write
Open only for writing.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:97
@ None
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:77
@ Update
Open for reading and writing.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:96
Definition XrdClXRootDResponses.hh:956
@ OpaqueFile
Implementation dependent.
Definition XrdClFileSystem.hh:58
bool IsOK() const
We're fine.
Definition XrdClStatus.hh:124
Definition XrdEcObjCfg.hh:34
std::vector< std::string > plgr
Definition XrdEcObjCfg.hh:92